The Question is... Why

Day 496, 16:00 Published in Norway Norway by Maximilia

(OMG serious editorial. It won't happen again. I think. I wrote this in comment to another article and liked it so much, I decided to put it here.)


Our editor (silly person that she is) has decided to officially-unofficially comment on the alleged Hungarian "take over" of the Norweigan government. While the majority of the staff still believe it's vampires (many people have commented and sent in for their stakes already!), she has this idea that people should ask questions and look for the true reasons behind actions. BAH! Doesn't she know that sensationalism sells?

However. Her signature is on our checks, so, here is a very special editorial!

EDITORIAL: Ok, see, I've been keeping up on the Norway v. Hungary thing and the question that springs to mind is... why does Hungary care? Seriously. Yes, maybe they're doing things "for the people" and maybe not. Yes, maybe our Norweigan government screwed up and maybe not. But why should Hungary give a flip about us?

That's the thing about propaganda: it covers what they REALLY want. WHY are they voting down the Citizen monies that new citizens get? I understand why the import taxes were the way they were... but why hurt new citizens like that? All it does is encourage them to start somewhere else. Why transfer funds to the Hungarian based "Fund for an Independant Norway"? Independant from WHAT? From ATLANTIS? From democracy? From gerbils?

The thing is, it is a democratic process, and the Commies have gotten a legtimate hold on our government, but the way they got it was deceptive in nature. They infiltrated other parties to get nominated and elected as well as making their own. If they were honest in the beginning, maybe... MAYBE I might have bought into the propaganda. As it is... no. It doesn't matter; even if the Commies whisper sweet nothings in my ear and do the best job Norway has ever seen, it's still tainted by the deceptive way they got into office.

KristofferAG might not be the best president, but he's owned up to any mistakes he's made (at least since I've been watching/participating). Sadly, I haven't been around long enough to comment on the other regular members of Congress pre-take over.

The question that people should keep asking themselves is WHY.

Have you got an Axe to grind? Send us your comments!