The puzzle of the V2 battlefield [Part 2]

Day 882, 12:08 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by MaartenW

Hello all,

(for people who didn't read my previous article🙂
I'm trying to put the existing pieces of the V2 battlefield puzzle together in some paint pictures. The explanation of the pictures is separated in 3 parts: Facts, Speculations and guesses.

Part 2 of the The puzzle of the V2 Battlefield is a simulation of the "just fighting" in V2.
This article may sometimes look a bit like the EI article: [New Military Module] How the battle goes on (I) but I hope I can describe it easier.

[img][/img] for bigger picture.

Part one:
The Warlist

The warlist remains the same.
A region can only be attacked once at the time.

Part two:
The "Intel" Base/Battle Info


In this screen you can overview the map.
There will be more than 1 player been shown as “battlehero” or strong soldier.
You can see here all the usual battle statistics.
A battle will end after 24 hours if a certain % of hex and the capital is conquered by one side.
If after 24 hours not one side has this “victory conditions” the battle will go to
sudden-death-modus this can last for 72 hours if the battle hasn’t been won by one side it will end with a draw.

You can’t see any enemy soldiers on the “Intel base” map/mini-map.
The continuously scrolling “hit’s” will be deleted.

There will be some kind of gold begging button on the battle info page.

Part three/four:
The Battlefield

Enemy Turn:


You can't move or attack during a enemy turn.
During the enemy's turn you can select a (defensive) booster for the upcoming PvP fight (more about boosters in part six).
You can buy/use wellness the turn of the enemy
When the enemy's turns ends the by enemy soldiers selected targets will have a player v.s. player fight.

You can during a enemy turn see the enemy soldiers (nearby) move on the map.
When the enemy's turn ends (and the ally's turn begins) you will get wellness if you are in the AoE of a hospital.
If you are during a PvP fight in the AoE of a defence system you will gain a defensive bonus.

A allied/enemy turn will last for something between 2 and 6 minutes.
There will be some time between the turns so you can see (your) pvp fights.
An attacked soldier can kill the attacking soldier as well.

Allied turn:

(Explanation of painting part 5: 1 is the start position of an allied soldier, 2 is the hex he moves too and 3 is the enemy he targeted)

Allied soldiers can select a weapon before spawning in a allied turn.
Allied soldiers can "spawn" during an allied turn.
Allied soldiers can move over the map in an allied turn.
Allied soldiers can "target" 1 enemy (if in reach) in an allied turn.
Allied soldiers can select an (offensive) booster in an allied turn.

When an allied soldier wins the PvP fight against an enemy soldier he will move to the hex field the enemy soldier was on. (this isn't 100% logical because: when infantery is on a mountain and killed by a tank you will get some kind of fail because the tank will roll of the mountain ;_😉

There are 2 theory's about spawning on the battlefiel😛
You can spawn on any (emty) allied hex field.
You (randomly) spawn at an "allied base"

When the allied turn starts your weapon can be "broken" (because the durability of your weapon was low or you used it for a long time.

Part six:

There are boosters for: defence, hit chance and damage.
There is always a free (weak) booster, other once you can buy for (of course) gold.
You can select boosters during allied ánd during enemy turns.

Boosters will give a bonus in a percentage of the original "skill" level. (Like your total defence value is 300 and you use the smoke granate booster which is 10% your defence value will become 330 during the fight.)

Boosters will be kinda annoying because it's another "who pays wins" thing.

Part 7
The PvP fight

"After" the PvP fight you can watch the results in a "story"
If you have won you can select if you leave the battlefield or if you keep on fighting.

You can't fight and heal after leaving the battlefield any more so... if your health drops to 40 (or zero in v2) and you are kicked of the battlefield (because ur seriously injured) you won't be able to reach the AoE of a hospital so you will be screwed.

Thanks for reading :3

The puzzle of the V2 battlefield [Part 1]

Secretary of Defence