The PTOers (غير رسمى)ا

Day 2,212, 18:39 Published in Egypt Turkey by Medhat Alhaddad

(a reprint of an important article)

Greetings to the brave souls who do what is so difficult to accomplish in eRepublik... Establishing and maintaining an eCountry.

These are acts of courage, dedication, leadership and patriotism. These are acts that help maintain the game in the spirit of democracy, liberty and friendship. Because it is really only friendship that makes this game worthwhile.

Most of you know the trials and tribulations of enduring wars, economic hardships, and the effort it takes to protect your eCountry.

• Our regions are constantly under siege... but it's a war game... so that's ok.

• Good citizens leave... but that's expected.

• The economy is a disaster... just as in real life.

• Political Parties rise and fall... but that's normal in-game and in real life.

• Governments fail... but that's evolution... survival of the fittest.

All of that is hard work and all of that exhibits courage.

Now... let me tell you what is easy. Destruction and chaos are easy. These are the acts of a coward.

I refer to one element of this game that is a festering wound... a malignant cancer... a putrid pustule.

The acts of cowards that know only destruction and nothing about creation. These are the sad souls that take some perverse pleasure in tearing countries apart. And these are the sad souls that know nothing about the friends and relationships that make this game worthwhile. They want our countries to bleed them dry and to rape and pillage every citizen and region.

They use multies to create fake citizens to realize their goals of hateful carnage.
They create multies in devious ways that are indiscernible by the admins. It is not admins fault... they do their best.

They troll our articles with lies and deceit wrapping themselves in our flags, holding a bible and kissing a baby.
They spew the propaganda of hate wherever they go. They are the lowest of the low... the alley trash of the eWorld.

Now the question is... what do we do about this ? Sadly, I do not know. It will take the whole eWorld community to come up with a solution to this poisonous contamination. We need to ban together to rid ourselves of these cowards.

Let's call this "Operation No Cowards".

Please add your comments and ideas below. Please get involved. Let's eradicate this terminal disease.
I'd love to hear what you think.
And please chain shout this article. It needs to go international.

Thank You