The Political Future of Ireland

Day 286, 17:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

Taking a page from the article on complaceny I would like to remind everyone that the election is not yet over and could change over night. However, assuming ImaNewbie wins there are many questions about the future of Ireland.

The first question is obvious, What happens to Victor and IR ? Will it still be around will they come back again in full force for next elections ? Or will they all pick up and leave ? Maybe some will stay and IR will become a regular Irish party. Over time its likely it could assimilate into Irish politics.

The second question is more of a statement. If Imanewbie wins this will be his what 5th term ? I am not sure but whatever is will he step down and let someone else take a crack at leadership. Or has he done that already and no one has stepped up ? Personally have tried to step down and sometimes nobody volunteers
so I would not be surprised if the same thing happened to him.

Then there is the inbablance in the political field. All the parties during this crisis have kind of pulled in behind IF during this crisis and as a result it has had an explosion of membership not seen by the other parties. None of the opposition parties are even the least bit competitive right now.

All of these are just questions I have had going around in my head. Anybody else have the answers ?