The Path Forward- IndieKid for PM

Day 767, 13:40 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter
The Recent Past and the Future

Months ago, when jerryGFL took over as Prime Minister from Final Destiny eUK had aproximately 800 Gold and was losing about 100 Gold per week, I was an Apprentice in the Ministry of Finance and helped calculate these figures. Due to Jerry and Roadrunnerspeed (the Minister of Finance) this decline was reversed and thanks to Malta and Iain Keers we now have nearer 3000 Gold. This process of a steady build up in our reserves is by no means over.

However we now have the means to start reshaping eUK so that our future will be brighter. We shall rebuild eUK, from inside, so that in future we have better communication (in Government and in forums), more incentive for individual action, greater management of the financial markets, an eventually phase out of NHS, and a permanently training military.

These reforms will take time but we have a highly able new generation of players and with our great Elders to watch us and guide I have every faith we can make the move forward that is needed.

The Government Structure

How many Ministers do we currently have? 10! I often wonder what some do... though I appreciate the work of Scipio the Great and Oexis. However, many of these ministries work in conjunction with each other. Therefore, there is a need for greater communication between the areas of interest.

There are three main areas that any country must address: Home Affairs, Military Affairs and Foreign Affairs. Therefore I propose to merge many of the existing Ministries and create (with the good will of forum admins) a forum for each, where one part will be open to the public and one part private for the Junior Ministers concerned.

Home Affairs

Home Affairs forum would be run by Minister of Information and Education (as moderator) and include the Minister of Finance, Trade, Work and Migration and Support. All vital supply company Managers would have access to the private section of Home Affairs to consult with the Finance Minister on important market issues. Our current Minister of Finance tried to do this with an outside forum but here we shall both public and private sections and it will always be viewed and have new ideas. MoF will also have a classified long term plan for economic war. This format will be easier to understand for new players and allow greater communication between Ministers working on all domestic issues. (The Ministry of Migration and Support is currently being voted on in the House of Commons). Home affairs Ministers will also be tasked with promoting eUK and eRepublik.

Foreign Affairs

As for the Foreign Services: We already have a Public Discussion area open to all and a Private area. Thanks to my great staff over the last two months we now have private forums for each of our Ambassadors to file confidential reports. However we are now doubling up with MI6 so I propose to merge the two by merging MI6 forums with Ambassadors. The details of this merger must be confidential but it will lead to greater sharing of information between the two arms of Government concerned with the same area.

Also, to increase the in game presence and to educate the public the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be tasked to publish a weekly article on current hot topics in every country we have ambassadors in.

House of Lords

One big issue recently has been the House of Lords: I believe it is now time to utter the terrible indictment of Cromwell: “you have been sat to long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you." However we DO need a legislative review body; firstly to advise on current legislation and secondly (and perhaps more importantly) to review all past legislation so that we can be rid of old and useless laws and amend laws as needed. In my opinion the people who know most about this are the current Lords (those that are active). I would therefore support Squiddy’s proposal (viewtopic.php?f=42&t=7900) as a basis on which to move forward with this reform. The members of the proposed Legislative Committee would be proposed by Cabinet and need House of Commons approval. The Legislative Committee would share the Home Affairs forums and not have to be Congress members and have no Minister. It will NOT be the job of the Legislative Committee to block House of Commons votes but to advise! Thus we shall speed up legislation while keeping the good sides of HoL.

On this issue I am happy to work with ALL parties so that a system can be put in place as soon as possible.

Cabinet and War Council

In regards to the Cabinet and the War Council: I wish to make it clear that during my time as Prime Minister, all domestic Cabinet Ministers will be selected from Congress, while War Council need not due to military commitments. All decisions affecting eUK domestically will be discussed and voted on in Cabinet; we shall then stand together with the majority decision. All decisions affecting eUK abroad will be treated similarly in War Council. Should there be a conflict between the two I state now that Cabinet members have the superiority due to their democratic election. However I would wish to allow all War Council members viewing rights of Cabinet forums so that they can better judge their foreign plans accordingly. The Supreme Commander eUK will also be a Cabinet member so that he report weekly (see later).

In effect the War Council will be the summit of Military and Foreign Affairs and the Cabinet be the ruling body in Home Affairs. For example when votes for MPPs are concerned only a War Council vote is required for this to Government policy, where tax votes are concerned only a Cabinet vote. All members of each will then be committed to the decision taken. This system clarifies the current uncertainties.

Prime Ministers Question Time

Firstly, if elected, I propose to start a question time on the eUK IRC every Wednesday at 7pm GMT. I would encourage other senior Ministers to do the same! I shall always be available by private messages both in game and in the forums. I'm afraid only Ministers will have my MSN.

A New Military Autonomy and the end of NHS

All now agree that the Military needs changing. In a private MSN conversation one senior military Chief called for "nationalisation of the military". I prefer to view our path as 'privatisation' of the military with Government support.

Firstly let me clearly state the Military’s objectives: To fight continuously, to help our allies, and to follow our own Foreign Policy objectives.

In order to do this I propose the following.

The Start

Government funds will then be available for ANYONE who can collect a group of 30 active players from the Navy and/or Royal Guard (or from abroad) to establish a Corps. Each Corps will be supplied with money to start their own companies for supply i.e., weapons and tickets. Those who can collect the most private money (i.e., yourselves) will receive the first Government subsidies to start. Thereafter you be obliged to follow these rules:

A. All Corps must swear loyalty to eUK and its democratically elected Prime Minister and obey the orders of eUK Supreme Commander (as the Minister of Defence will be renamed).
B. All Corps supply companies MUST be based abroad (so as not to distort domestic markets).
C. The Supreme Commander will be tasked with rotating the Corps abroad and on home service so that all receive training while maintaining the connection to UK. This will also allow them to build up weapons reserves and take some profits.

After this each Corps maintains 30+ active players and obeys the above rules. They will receive monthly Government subsidies. As with Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs, the Military will have private and public forums.

The new Corps will otherwise be free financially to start new supply companies, to upgrade them should they wish, to make profits and prosper as they can - while obeying the government and the chain of command. The Corps are also responsible for recruiting new privates for themselves (see below). I would advise them to each appoint recruitment managers, Quartermasters etc... but I leave this for them.

How will this benefit eUK?
A. Our soldiers will need less central funding. Initial investment in Corps will have to be judged by the Minister of Finance but should be regarded as long term Capital Investment.
B. Our soldiers will fight regularly.
C. Ultimately this plan will resolve ANY need for NHS, it will simply die out! People will fight for wellness and increase experience instead of relying on the tax payer.
D. As with the other main Services there will be a faster chain of Command.

The Royal Guard

This, for those of us who must remain at home, must be kept. To keep the Royal Guard in shape it should be a priority for the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs to arrange a training war for the UK. The Royal Guard will also receive a monthly subsidy.

As ALL Congress Representatives should be in the Royal Guard I believe they contribute their 5 Gold for the next election to the setting up of Guards companies for a weapons company. This will be a one-off.

The Paras

Gentlemen, you already have the benefits that I want the other military branches to have too. You remain the elite and should be proud of yourselves. As you have your own traditions and supply routes, it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do - however I promise that you will receive government subsidies twice a month.

Regarding Wellness Fast

Wellness Fast is a good new scheme but:
A. Some don't come back.
B. All who can use it SHOULD be in the Navy already.
Therefore Wellness Fast tickets will be distributed by Navy Company Commanders and afterwards by Corps Commanders.

If we follow the plan outlined for the military above, there will be no need for NHS anymore! By arranging a training war and informing about it in the media properly we can ensure that people learn how to fight and use the hospital to heal - thus leading to higher wellness. This will lead to the eventual phasing out of the NHS and instead we shall 'Wellness by War'.

Military Forums

As with the forum reorganization for domestic departments, the military will have private and public forums. In the private forums will be the Corps Commanders and MoD (renamed Supreme Commander eUK) so orders on when and where to deploy and fight will be issued direct. All Corps Commander will report their Corp damage to the SC. In addition each Corps will have a private forum (moderated by Corps Commander). The Public forums will be as Party forums are now where people start a thread and say "I abc wish to join xyz Corps”. The Paras already have their own private forum.

These reforms will take time and must be judged by financial matters. On this I shall work closely with the Supreme Commander and all new Corps Commanders.

The Ministry of Finance

The Ministry should benefit from easier access to senior business managers in the Ministers attempts to regulate the Markets. The Ministers main tasks are to make sure that the Treasury makes a profit and to regulate the Market. We must further boost the economy and will consider an issue of GBP. In the long term the Minister must try to lower taxes as training wars and more MPPs and real wars kick in. These actions and grants to the new Corps will have to be carefully timed and the next Minister will be my primary advisor on this.

A Summary

The reforms outlined above set out how we can make rebuild the basic structure of eUK to set us up for a future with: More individual enterprise. Faster and easier communication for all. Faster legislation. High Military activity. Greater market control. An end of the NHS. A more cohesive and tighter knit military for the future. During the course of the month I shall publish regular articles detailing the reforms as we progress.

The time has come for the eUK to move forward again. I believe we have the people capable of making this country a power and I believe we also have the plans here for the time when can break out and take our true role as a major player in the New World. I am, and have always been, happy to work with ALL parties. Let us now join together and rebuild the eUK for the future.

I ask for your vote to represent the eUK as your Prime Minister. Thank you for reading this.