The Paranoia of Power

Day 173, 17:58 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per



62 Swedes have died so far today.

Dear Diary

I intend to write a little treatise on the paranoia of power (and the power of paranoia), but first let me update you on my whereabouts.

I write this as I am bed-ridden. The malignant winged messengers of lead that are stuck in my belly have become significantly more malignant. Perhaps the surgeon is no longer particularly good at his job with only one eye. Or perhaps the fact that he too, is bedridden means my health is getting poorer, I don't really know. There are no hospitals in occupied lands. We simply must make do with what little we have.

Due to my bedriddenness I have asked my good associate Skinke to stand in my place as leader of the party. Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the filth. Now I see clearly. However it is in reality only a dupe. I need the man to think that I trust him, for the same reason I keep a low profile at the party gatherings. The man has been quite good at building up my cult of personality. Did he do it only to inherit me? Stalin created Leninism. Leninism wasn't an ideology before Stalin, and it wasn't an ideology afterwards. Will the same happen to Grev Per? To burn out rather than to fade away. Will he inherit "my wisdom." Will he "show them the path that I blazed"? Skinke, that dictatorial megalomaniac. He will be the death of us all if he takes power permanently. I think he could even kill hope. there a reason why the doc stays in bed while my wounds worsen? Is there an outside reason....

I've heard nothing new about our troops in Norway or the Swedish troops in Germany. We still have no clue what the reason is.

The Paranoia of Power (and the power of paranoia)

It is true of every institution that you can tell what it thinks by the reflections of it's lowest subordinates. You can tell what the Swedish government fears by the fear of her indigenous citizens. Something that always caught me off guard was the utter paranoia of the Swedes in general. Then it suddenly became clear to me.

As President of Denmark, we knew that a Swedish invasion was inevitable. Therefore we didn't fear it. We knew we were going to lose, so we dug our feet in and made sure they couldn't take anything when they came. However the situation is different for larger countries.

Much discussion has been made about the collusion of countries. The big fish eating the little fish. Sharks eating the big fish etc. However there will always be an abundance of nations for the same reasons I stated before. The larger nations are starting to realize that what they need is buffers. All wars to date have been fought by proxy. All great powers war each other all the time. But they never do it in a position where they can lose land to each other. It's simply done in different nations. No great nation will ever allow itself to directly border another great nation. The risks are all too obvious. Today the international world has 3 real poles. The Mediterranean Alliance, which for the first time has stretched its muscles. The Swedish-Norwegian alliance, to date the most militant alliance in history. And the Paki-Indonesian alliance.

Each pole is aware of it's polar opposite and each pole watches the other as the other watches it. Troops don't move from Sweden without the Pakis knowing about, and vice versa.

Now let's look closer at Sweden. Here is a nation that directly borders another nation of great size. Sweden was always paranoid of it's smaller border countries. The admin of the Swedish boards was fearful that we would start war with free gold from the admin. Sweden may be allied with Norway, but Norway is the only direct threat on it's border. What Sweden knows is that if it waits to invade for the FightForFreedom module, they won't only be fighting Norwegians, but Russians and Finns will be fighting Norwegians. That is, if Sweden wishes to invade Norway. It's up to the paranoia of power. Sweden has far to fall. It has no allies, only tools in it's international politics game. And any day one of those pieces might turncoat. Sweden can fall so far that it must constantly make sure that it's position in international affairs is never threatened. With so many enemies you never know when an enemy might turn a friend.

Of course none of that is very likely since no one would be stupid enough to invade Sweden. This is just the one thing that Sweden doesn't know. What would happen? Perhaps they fear the moment that all bordering nations invade Sweden, the UK and Norway, Germany? With an uprising from the Danes and Germans inside? It sounds unlikely, but I imagine this is the exact scenario that Sweden sees happening someday.