The opression of eSerbia ends today!

Day 573, 12:01 Published in Hungary Serbia by defender447

Hungarian brothers!

Over the past month you have helped our country in its darkest hour. In return, we have fought and bled alongside you in your battles

Today, eSerbia needs your help again

In eCroatia, one of our guys, sakal_ks, is running for the president of the HDS(Hrvatska Demokratska Stranka) and he is close to winning. If he wins, he will make sure diplomatic relationships with eSerbia are normalised, he will strive towards brining eCroatia closer to peace and guarrantie rights for our citizens in occupied lands

So vote eHungarians and help us!
Any help will be much appreatiated

UPDATE:Our candidate is leading by 18 votes

UPDATE2: Our candidate is winning by 50 votes. Romania is issuing anti-TO orders!