The Official Zombie Queen

Day 1,000, 19:28 Published in USA USA by Fionia

The lights were dim in the USWP main chambers as the clock slowly clicked its way to 3 AM. The tension, which had been high all day, finally exploded in celebration as the final results rolled in. All of the top 5 parties had been secured, with the difference in the USWP being a surprising 97 votes.

The zombie queen watched from the sidelines with grim determination. Now, finally, it was the time for her unofficial rule of the past several months to become real. And it was time for everyone to recognize that.

Amid the cheers of loyal members, she rose and crossed the room. She turned and face the room, smiling for the first time that day. She held up her hands for silence, then addressed the gathered crow😛

My fellow zombies,

I gave my reasons in my last article for why I wanted to be your official Party President. You answered my call, and answered it successfully. I thank you all for your support.

But now that you have supported me, I need you to listen to me. After shouting multiple times to not vote for me, and changing my avatar to stay the same, 30 or so votes still rolled in. While I am grateful that you wanted to vote for me, I would be more grateful to know that my zombies could pay attention and keep the country safe.

We have ways to inform you easily. This newspaper is a vital source of party news, and all zombies should be subscribed. Our forums have been unstable lately, so instead of relying on that for news, please visit our IRC channel, too.

Subscribe the paper, join our IRC channel, and pay attention to any and all USWP PMs you get. By listening to us, you make our party and country stronger.

I am your zombie queen. I am here to help. If you are a loyal zombie, I can make amazing things happen.

Having finished her speech, the zombie queen slowly lowered herself into the gilded throne. One of the loyal subjects approached her, carrying an ornate crown. He placed it on her head, officially crowning the zombie queen. The room erupted with thunderous applause.