The Northern Ireland Lotto(USA Version)

Day 474, 10:01 Published in USA United Kingdom by Liam Smith

Do you want the chance to win some money? Well I’ll give you the chance to make some easy money. This is it; all you have to do is donate 2.5USD (per 5 numbers) to me & tell me your name and pick 5 numbers in between 1-30. I will write it in my paper and once a Week, starting Wednesday. I will use the Random Integer Generator. If you get all 5 numbers you get the entire jackpot, of which I shall total up each week. The winnings are ordered like this. 5 numbers = 90% of the final total, 4 = 75%, 3 = 60%, 2 = 50%. If 2 or more people get the same amount of numbers they split the money. Most numbers take all!!! I will post a link to the webpage with the numbers and the time stamp. I will get different people each week to do it, just to make sure that it is fair & entries after the closing time won’t be counted. Closing time is 5:30pm on Wednesday, what ever is left will rollover till next week, 5% of the money just before the spin will go to NISBO.

so donate 2.5USD to, till i can get a Org set up