The next USWP PP

Day 995, 12:34 Published in USA USA by Fionia

I have been active in this game for just short of a year now. I have risen to the height of the Legislative Branch, being a 6-term Senator and then Speaker of the House. I have thoroughly explored the Executive Branch, starting from a minor role as Deputy Secretary of Education all the way to a month as Vice President and my recent failed attempt at becoming President.

But the one part of politics I have been entangled in the longest is political parties. I have seen new ones rise, and old ones fall, and even played a direct role in two of those risings and fallings. I have become frustrated beyond belief, and even removed myself from any party affiliation for a while. But everything I have been involved with, all of my experiences in politics, lead back to one thing, one place, one party: the USWP

Let me put this simply: the most fun I've ever had in the political side of the game has been due to the USWP. And it is the one thing I am dedicated to above all else.

I started off back in September, but soon became a USWP Senator. By December, I was on the Executive Board as Legal Director. In March, I was moved to the PAC, and coordinated Congressional elections for that month. In April, I was present at all meetings and discussions as the USWP became part of the APF.

My time in the APF left me feeling burnt out and disgusted with parties. I removed myself from all politics for several weeks.

At the end of May, an old friend approached me with, to be completely cheesy, an offer I couldn't refuse. He wanted to bring back the USWP, and he wanted my help. As he said several times, "When I think USWP, I think Fionia." I became second-in-command of the USWP at that point, the role that I have held both unofficially and officially since then.

I was the one that wrote the articles for the USWPost, providing the base of the media blitz about the party. I was the one who provided the structure of the new USWP. I was always there, not always visible as one of the leaders, but always one of the hardest working.

Now, most recently, since our PP-elect quit, I have taken up the role as acting Party President. I am not marked as Party President in-game, but I am the one making the decisions. One major task that I have dealt with recently (with the help of the irreplacable Laxsnor) was restoring essentially a year's worth of posts to our forums after they had been removed. More details about this and other recent projects can be found in the PP address I will write later today.

ZOMBIES! Now that you have read through my contributions to this party and my history with this party, I would like to make my message clear. I am running for Party President of the USWP. There are no confirmed opponents yet, but if you see any step forward, consider this: Have any of them done so much for the party? Have any of them been as dedicated to this party as long as I have? Just look through past articles in my newspaper. The majority of those articles end with the same banner you will see at the end of this one, a banner I use out of pride, not any requirement.

I have been, as I said, second-in-command since late May. I have been the shadow PP, the power behind the throne. Now, it is time for me to take the job. As a joke, I once called myself the 'Zombie Queen'. It's not a joke anymore. On August 15th, regardless of whichever candidates pay the 2 gold to place themselves on the ballot, I urge you to vote wisely. Vote for the Zombie Queen, the one who has been there to see the party both die and rise, and the one who, without a doubt, is the most qualified to lead this party onwards through future struggles.

Signing off,