The news in Song!

Day 629, 10:58 Published in Hungary Russia by Alexei Kiramov


Felt like livening up recent events, so i bring you the news....IN SONG
You can think of the tune yourself 🙂

So fortis is as good as dead
And the UK is with Peace in bed
Eden thinks its as tough as lead
all turkey want’s Greece’s head
And in some article I read
‘PEACE wants asturia’ it said.
US flag is dyed in red
Should of watched
where its armies tread.

Canadian’s were hard to tame
So with that good friend Hungary came
And it lived up to it’s ironic name
Ate half of Canada
And took the blame
Killed half the trolls
What a shame.

The Americans are still convinced
Even though their country’s minced
Russia does as PEACE command
Because its forced to take their land
And economically expand
You see, In the US, common sense
Is widely banned.

At least we get the Urals
But still Siberia we lack
We don’t care for companies
We just want our country back!

Spain is Trembling with fear
Coz France is aiming for it’s rear
And Hungary is rather near
And The forums are like always full
Of trolls with verbal Diahorrea

Russia’s elected another fraud,
Another Russian kid was bored,
Did a Putin, and he scored
Done with style
So I’m assured.

Martin Blumen, he’s the man
Bummed the country
But I’m a fan
At least he’s smart enough to plan!
So what the elections were a sham
Stop complaining
And make some spam

If you really liked this song
Pass on the link and sing along
Spamming fun is never wrong!

And so thats the news song
made for you
Yes it's funny,
Because it's true X-D

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