The most perfect timing ever.

Day 654, 06:26 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

Well, we can all say with absolute certainty that we will attack California once again, later on today. We have almost a 900k wall in Arizona, so please stop fighting there, and wait until the battle for California to do you damage. The president of Indonesia was permanently banned, 1 day before elections, and with Us about to win a battle against them. They cannot attack us even though they still have the initiative, for another 3 hours or so. Now, the Russian tactic to block Canada is not worth it, because by the time they finish their region-liberating, we will have eliminated Indonesia from North America, and started attacking them. Absolutely perfect timing, I must say.

So get ready for round two everyone, lets kick Indo into the Pacific! California today, Hawaii tomorrow, and only Russia after that!

Go USA!!
Death to PEACE!!!