The Military Revoultion!- JOIN AND HONOR INDIA!

Day 1,321, 15:39 Published in India USA by India101

Fellow Indians today I come to you to tell you to fight for your country and it's allies. Look at the various wars happening! As soon as you log in you see your allies fighting against the enemies, the enemies that either have a valuable resource or are trying to harm our allies. Even if you fight for another country you are still helping your country indirectly, because when they see Indian citizens fighting for them they;ll know of our support. Sooner or later countries will come asking us to have MPPS with them and we can be like Romania and Bulgaria a nation of tankers! Indian people I come here to announce the start of a revolution not just any political revolution, but a MILITARY REVOLUTION! One only that the enemies of India would dare oppose! One that we can all commonly unite and join and fight!

Let the revolution begin!

What is this revolution you may ask?- FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! After your done working with full wellness FIGHT! If you don't have enough food by some! As a token of my gratitude I am willing to donate 1 q1 food today to anyone who joins the revolution and fights! Yes 1 q1 food just leave your profile link as a comment and fight! Only Indian citizens!

Who is part of the revolution?- So far me and I hope to see every single Indian citizen join it within the next week!

Is this like an organization?- No it isn't like an organization. It's a revolution! I hope to see the AHF and the IAF both join the revolution and encourage their members to fight! Especially with the new module!

How can you help despite fighting?- Food companies that make extra food don't price it too high so our soldiers can afford plenty, and food raw materials companies don't price too high so food can be priced good! I currently own 3 food companies and 6 food raw materials companies and I try using ALL THE FOOD I PRODUCE!