The Memory of the New World Project

Day 1,438, 13:32 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Kazuo Leblanc

There was a time when the media was respected, held as one of the most important features of our societies.

We can bring that back.

The Memory of the New World Project is an effort to help document important events and safeguard them from being forgotten due to time. The project will create a central list for these articles to make it easy for players new and old to recall our common history. Multilingual and international, this project will strengthen the media by providing examples of excellent writing to aspire to.

Articles will be evaluated based on certain criteria:

Historical: Does the article capture a historical event? For example, the project seeks articles based on the Battle of Lion King.

First: Does the article describe the starting of a national institution? For example, the project seeks the first episodes from when your nation took to the airwaves by podcasting.

Cultural: Does the article document a cultural phenomenon? For example, the project seeks articles that explain Dioism.

Superlative: Is the article so well written that it stands apart as an example of your nation's best writing?

Please submit links to nominated articles by PM to Kazuo Leblanc. If the article is not in English, French or Spanish, it would help to include a summary of the article in English, French, or Spanish.

Please help this project go global! Shout this article. The project is also seeking translations of this article into other languages, in order to expand its reach.

Good luck seeking out articles! The first presentation will be on November 3rd, so subscribe to this newspaper for updates.