The Marriage of HRH Mr Woldy and Iain Keers

Day 1,311, 06:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

I lied.

Greetings dear reader, I appear to have accidently written an article that coincidently ties in with the upcoming congress elections. I must be psychic. In a break from time honoured tradition this month I intend to include a few policies in my article.

I shall of course be running under the Unity Party banner as I have done since the year dot. However, as I can’t afford the £5.70 toll I’ll be running in London. At a brain storming session with my disgraced colleague HRH Mr Woldy, it was decided that buzz words and achievable aims where the best way forward.

If you’ve read all that, have a break and read the rest after you’ve voted.


Contrary to common belief I am apposed to exposing myself. I will, however, endeavour to expose the corruption and filth that lurks within the Jamesw administration. As a member of congress I will hold this tyrannical oppressor to account but only if other people do it first because I want to be popular.


I feel that the current forum based voting is far too complicated. Members are presented, bits of piffy legislation are looked at and then a vote takes place. It is my belief that the three choices of Yes, No and Abstain are too complex. I will move to remove both Yes and No.

Vocal Autonomy

I will if required voice my opinion, however, if my opinion is markedly different from the rest of congress I will say what they want to hear in order to look cool and be called dude or other such platitudes.

Speaker of the House

In a half hearted attempt to hold some sort of deluded authority over other congress members I will run for speaker. I feel that this role is invaluable and my progressive approach to ignorance and counting will take it to the next level. If, however, I do not win I will actively look to abolish this role.

In game

There isn’t a lot to do in game. However, as per usual I will click the yes or no button when I’m told to. If I develop independent thought I will of course stand down.

Now what do the cool kids usually put in these things…sexy ladies?

Vote for me because I took the time to think of things to write and they are good and they make sense and if voted into the thing that does stuff I will be really cool and do more stuff.