The Man Behind Churchill- An Interview

Day 743, 10:30 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Earlier today (on an unspecified irc channel) I managed to get a hold of infamous Winston L.S Churchill, controversial UKRP PP and general hater of the left. There has been a lot of accusations flying back and forth and I wanted to know what he thought on several issues that affected the ordinary people.

do you want to do an interview?

1) A lot of people accused you of multi accounts on the basis that yourself (a relatively unknown player at the time) won the UKRP party presidency? Can you please confirm or deny these allegations and explain how you won over the masses?
It is absolute nonsense. I simply ran an effective campaign with a strong message and it resonated. My opponent didn't care enough and assumed he would win. He was the hare to my tortoise.
2) There have been rumours about you being the multi account of Ajay Bruno, a multi accounter recently banned and a known trouble maker all over the English speaking world. What do you say to these claims?
Well, I happen to feel that Mr. Bruno was a great standard bearer of eReformists and eConservatives and stood for liberty in the face of tyranny. I would say simply that I am not a multi of Ajay Bruno.
You have talked alot about how socialism is evil and is ruining the country without going into much detail. How do you back up your claims that Mr Woldy's government is corrupt and ineffective?
These are people who think that their real life economiic philosophies, which fail there, will somehow work here, where they fail even more. eRepublik is a simulation structured around capitalist policies and free markets being the most effective way to eprosperity. Mr. Woldy has some shadowy figures in his midst, such as the infamous "Nice" Guy Eddie. That,coupled with the endangerment of our country through a massive war with a very loose, vaguely defined plan are putting us in jeopardy. It's like the old saying. Pick your battles.

I'd just like you quote you on a comment made in your paper a few days ago
"Without ANY plan for victory or consulting our Generals, Mr. Woldy took it upon himself to open up a massive multi-front military conflict and endanger the very existence of the eUnited Kingdom"
How would you know that there was no plan or consultation with generals (which I can assure you there was) when you have no knowledge or information about how the military is run? Also could it not be argued that a war back on the UK would be exactly what the country needs to booster activity levels and that our strong allies and network of MPPs would be sufficient to stop them?
Oh no, I fully support a war, but having several at once is very dangerous. We should vanquish one foe at a time. Our military is being stretched too thin. Anyway, Woldy has had two terms to improve the eUK, and he has not done that. It's time for a change.
On your point earlier about free marketeering being the best possible policy for economic success, what would you say to those who point to the move of Arthur Wellesley a few months ago to drop government MM interference which led to a massive collapse in the economy?
There should be some government monitoring, but this control needs to be minimal. The current government believes that the socialist ideals of a very strong government control o four economy is a positive route to take. I say this is tyranny and the power belongs invested in the people. It is the government who serves us, not the other way around.
So do you disagree with the government companies of the military or the companies that employ and train new players to the game? They are the only glaring examples of socialist policy pursued by the government as I can see.
I would re-evaluate them and see what is needed and what is not. All extra revenue that is not absolutely needed should be returned to the people.
When you say returned to the people do you mean simply the BoE where the national funds are held? If the funds are not being used surely it is better to put them to use in places such as the government skill 0 companies which directly benefit the newer generation of players? And the reduction of military companies would only lead to a weaker and more costly military?
I believe people should be able to apply for tax refunds for extra revenue. I would not favor any military cuts.

So you would encourage more money to be placed back into the hands of company owners in profit and not to be given to the government as money to be spent on the people and betterment of the country?
The government doesn't know what's best for the people, on the contrary, the people know what is best for them. Anyone could apply for an equal share of these tax revenues, so it would benefit everyone.
So you would advocate giving away large proportions of the UK's revenue and monetary reserves out to the general population?
Giving away? you seem to assume that the money belongs to the government. It belongs to the people. Whatever is not needed to defend our country and perform basic services should be returned, not stockpiled.
The money that is collected in taxes does belong to the government. That money is used as a reserve in case of war, or to pay for MPPs etc. It's far better to place the money in the hands of capable money experts (Such as RRS/Arthur/Iain Keers/Dill) that will be able to regulate the market to keep the pound value stable, and make more money so we don't end up bankrupt than give it away to a largely inactive population. All that would happen is that forum active players would claim money that has been paid for out of the taxes by the majority. Wouldn't you agree?
If you put more money in the hands of the people, more revenue will be generated from increased expenditures and business. It's economics-101
then why not simply cut all taxes and have the government survive on bare minimum income, according to your logic?
We need to make sure we have enough revenue to preserve the eUK. I would have to look at all the tax rates to see if anything needs cutting
The rich will benefit by claiming back taxes and the ordinary person will be left out of pocket whilst schemes such as the gifting scheme will have funding cut and less money is spent on the military
Winston, how much experience of the economy in erepublik here do you have? Have you ever run a company for a sustained period of time as a lot of RL economics don't apply here.
Yes, plenty, and these philosophies work wonders in the game.
You seem very experienced for such a young player. Do you feel your short time in the game has provided you with enough experience to help run the country? It seems this is one of the driving issues which leads people to accuse you of being a multi
Oh, I've played before. It's an open secret about my past life. I am proud of it and I will continue to stand up for the people and defend their interests. My entire eRepublik career has involved doing just that. I believe in empowering the people, a strong national defense, and integrity. As for the multi accusation, I only operate one account, so not true. So I say to these people.... prove it.


So there we have it folks. The re-incarnation of Ajay Bruno and his policies laid out plain for everyone to see. Now what remains to be seen is if people will take him seriously and if he is given a chance to prove himself. For more news as it happens remember to vote and subscribe if you haven’t already!
