The Liberty Gift Project - Update 1

Day 592, 04:44 Published in Austria South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

Four days ago, I launched an effort to increase the wellness of active eAustrians.

This is because citizens must have at least 40 wellness to participate in war games. These citizens will continue to be left behind until something is done to remedy the situation.

Thanks to the help of several eAustrians (notably Robert Knotsworth and Max Brand) and some financial support provided by Hrvat, I am proud to say that the project has already had a significant impact.

eAustria is a currently home to 121 active citizens.

26 of these active eAustrians have less than 35 experience.

Only 19 of these (15.7😵 have under 40 wellness!

Make A Difference
The project will continue until there are no active citizens with under 40 wellness - so if you have high manufacturing skills, and would like to lend a hand, there are 3 spots to fill at Liberty Gifts....join now and make a real difference in eAustria!