The last day

Day 134, 14:41 Published in Japan Japan by Wej

I have had a great time being your president.

It is now time for me to move on. I have school finals, and a lot of other things I would like to devote my time too (such as 3d modeling, and video game designing). It is almost time for the AP (advanced placement) Tests, and I have to start studying now. I get too easily addicted to things, start thinking of them too much, then can never sleep.

At any rate, Japan is still growing. Yamato has proven to be smart (as he was my foreign minister) and he will make the right decisions for Japan. I want you all to work hard to strengthen the economy, and please don't think the government will know what to do to help you, without you saying a word. Help in all you can. Expand the economy, help people with whatever they need, keep close contact with your fellow citizens.

For the next ULJ party election, the person who has proven to me, to be the most active and reliable person, is Origineel.NL. He has kept contact with me, and has helped many people. He may be from a different ecountry, but he has proven his worth here in Japan. I wish for him to become the next party president.

I wish you all luck. Stregthen Japan, and never let it go. Keep it strong and unified.