The Karacticus Method - A Plan for Wales or My Manifesto and other Animals.

Day 701, 02:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

Blimey! Is it nearly congress election time again? Well in that case I believe it is about time for me to unveil my super, duper....ah who am I kidding? Its my manifesto- the one thing I dread writing.
These things can become so formulaic and mind numbingly boring. Right let's get the main issue that always crops up out of the way:

I want a Q5 hospital in Wales

Yeah and so do I, but congress has no sway over where a hospital is placed. That is down to the PM and a select few. All I can do is politely ask over and over and over and over again. If we we're in a state of peace with every nation then strategically Wales would be excellent for a Q5 hospital, however, without wars and fighting the need for a hospital would be zero. Its a conundrum.


What I can do

Sort out the structure and running of the Welsh Regional Council. At the moment it's a shambles. The benefits of sorting it out- gifting for new players, which helps keep them healthy, a fixed point for any information you need and more fun than you can shake a stick at in the Welsh Regional forum.

I could promise you the moon on a stick...

But I wont. Because moons are very gritty and bad for your teeth. All I can promise you is help and guidance. I will make sure that any player from Wales who contacts me will get the advice or help they need.

And in the end...

We need the players who have not discovered the official eUK forum to come and get involved with our community. The only way to help release the potential of this country is by getting involved.

If you build it, they will come

Join the eWales community and let us have muchos fun.


Vote Karacticus for reduced BS and added singing


Don't forget to check out and subsribe to these government papers to keep up to date with country's goings on:
The Prime Minister
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Home Affairs
National Newspaper Association