The Irish Union Party, ever vigilant!

Day 525, 05:43 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

First of all congratulations to all Irish Union Party candidates who got elected into Congress and my condolences to those who didn't (if there was legislation you really wanted to put forward, please contact me and maybe we could discuss it).We did well in securing 13 seats however I am certain we can do better in the near future. With the ongoing help and support from our esteemed members, I will continue to serve with the utmost dedication on behalf of the party.

Quite a few people were concerned (and rightfully so) with the voting turn out in the election. The Irish Union Party received a total of 74 votes, 16 less votes than the previous Congress election. Considering we are a party of 160 members that figure may come as a shock. However let us not forget, not so long ago the party was practically abandoned by its most vocal leader (who, unless I'm mistaken, served as party president for 5 terms). As I mentioned in a previous article we were left without an image. We were a party clouded by controversy with declining members. That has been since turned around and without the efforts of those within the party I certain the turnout in the election would have been worse. It does not take long for a party to lose an image however it does take a while to create one and we shall continue to do so. It is imperative members take an active role in creating this image and I assure you, in time, we will be a party to be proud of and a party that more voters will identify with.

A respected member of the party recently expressed his concern that the Irish Union Party was missing a large public figure. I have tried my best to fill the leadership vacuum caused by our previous president's sudden departure and promise to be even more active in the media and on the forum. Up till now I spent most my time publishing articles and contacting people within the party however now I will try to engage with other media and parties so that our voice does get heard and so that civil debate is encouraged. However I do want to become the sole large presence of the party and encourage all members to be pro active. No longer will we be a party that simply blends into the background nor will we be a party that engages in mud slinging. I am sure that eIreland can only benefit from this new era of cooperation between parties.

Our party is not in decline. New members join the Irish Union Party every day and I do my best to welcome them all. They are many active members within the party, many of which I was in contact with and I encourage all members to make their voice heard, be it here or on the forums. I said this many times before and I'll say it again, the Irish Union Party should never become a party where its members are just another number. The party can only move forward through unity and that is exactly what we are striving for. We are in the process of revitalizing the party, and it is an ongoing process that will take time. However I am confident we can overcome all challenges and I am confident the party will be restored to her former glory and more. I invite everyone to take part in the Irish Union Party's bright future and thank all who are dedicated to and continue to support the party.

If you have any inquiries about the party, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your attention and time,