The iNCi inside you: Candor's perspective.

Day 1,765, 22:07 Published in USA USA by Candor

The iNCi Statement

The President’s Response

The Secretary of Defense Responds

The iNCi (a short history of whom is located here,) are a party of native Turks whom two years ago immigrated, and integrated, into The eUnited States.

Those of you who have known me since those times, or longer, probably recall that I was a prominent voice of skepticism with regards to this immigration. It was my belief that these immigrants held no loyalty to this nation as a highest calling, but instead to each other, and then to the goals of their native land.

But a strange thing has occurred. The iNCi, with occasional stumbles, have indeed settled and integrated here, as much as their knowledge of our language will allow. Many have became friends. Many we have come to respect.

And quite often, the iNCi have provided quite a lot of firepower in our wars and campaigns.

Did the iNCi, at one time numbering 1000 members here, PTO our nation? No. Did they ever try to PTO our nation? Not in any organized or official way, no.

I was proven wrong, in many ways. And I'll eat that.

But the iNCi, from the beginning, did have a request in the bargain we made with them from the onset: They asked that we fund them as we fund other military entities in the nation, and at the same rate based upon their strength and numbers. In return, they would cooperate with ATO and FEC requests, and generally stay out of politics in any consequential numbers.

That was two years ago.

Over the past two years our military funding structure has changed. Over the past two years the iNCi have shrunk considerably in numbers of citizens. Over the past two years, the iNCi have, on occasion, refused to fight where directed, and instead invoked their own right of self-determination.

We had a similar thing happen when the eUS Military chose, equally, to decide for themselves the course of their future. And that was their right to do so. Congress took a similar action against it’s own military, and defunded those organizations. And that was their right to do so.

As of late, the iNCi Party Presidents have also failed to ensure the security of our borders by allowing folks into Congress, via placement in their T5 party, who refuse to follow the rules as established by a will of the majority of the elected Congress.

This has exacerbated our current PTO dilemma, of course.

So here is where I want to weigh in with some candor:

We don’t, without the iNCi, have the manpower to protect all T5 spots from foreign PTO.

The iNCi would like to stay in The eUnited States and, in battle, their damage is considerable and appreciated, when directed as requested.

The iNCi must stop selling, or giving, away citizenship without IES authorization.

The Defense Department should continue funding at $200k, but restore funding to the previous numbers following one clean and cooperative election cycle.

eAmericans, both iNCi and native born loyalists, should do their best to view one another as countrymen and allies.

The iNCi leadership should refrain from ever making threats against their own nation, our shared nation, period. You may refuse to fight where directed, but you can’t fight against your own countrymen, nor threaten ever to do so.

And if the iNCi choose to not fight where directed, as with any other military entity the Defense Department, or Congress, or The President absolutely has the right and responsibility to protect our national pocketbook and defund according to the level of cooperation the nation is receiving, from this or any other MU.

But we are past the US vs.THEM stuff. The iNCi are our people now, and we are their home. We may have our squabbles, but we are one nation.

iNCi help us help you. We’re all loyal citizens of this nation, and we all want our nation to be successful, right? We need you to stay a T5, and you need us to help with that in the next few days. It’s in all our interests.

Let’s get back in the game, and get back to kicking ass, together, as the unified team that we need to be for everyone’s success.

Cordially Submitted,


Tl;dr Version: We’re one nation, enough with all of this. We want you inside of us. But we don’t like it in the *ss. Be gentle, play nice, and we will love you hard. Everyone chillax.