The history of the Serbo-Slovenian friendly bond

Day 1,478, 12:57 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

When we ask ourselves from where the Serbian and Slovenian friendship derives from, the most easiest answer would be that at some point in the history both nations shared common goals that heard by the name of "deletion of Croatia". Although the most interesting fact is, that some time ago, before the Serbian baby boom that made them superpower number one in this game, Croatians and Slovenians shared friendly relationship with each another even though that that wasn't the case in real life, where border disputes caused some unnecessary tensions. At the time people thought of it as something that shouldn't be brought to this game, but slowly when Slovenian community in eRepublik began to gain in numbers, the entire thing couldn't be prevented and the will of the majority, that demanded Croatia becomes the enemy of Slovenia, won. Things were never the same after that, but we can still regard this as an era, where a definition of an enemy is and was only made inside the human mind. If you make someone think that he is your ally, all his previous actions will be forgotten and same will happen if that nation was at a period of eRepublik history regarded as your ally and then became your enemy. It's shere stupidity once you look upon it the way I am.

Slovenia and Serbia side by side in the early times of this game.

The Serbian baby boom and the revenge on Croatia
Once Serbia became strong in this game, that was around the mid period of 2009, when Lipec successfully caused a baby boom that deminished Croatian control in the most parts of Serbia, Serbians were eager to get revenge and Croatians weren't ready to give up of their control in their original regions. This is what became later on known as the great plan to destroy the Croatian mainland and Slovenia, Hungary and Serbia participated in the action against Croatia. For some the action could be regarded as a success, for others it could be regarded as a failure as it didn't accomplish the goals of the action. But nevertheless, this was the period when Serbian and Slovenian friendship grew and Slovenians and Serbians began to call each others brothers, allies and other friendly "names". At the time Serbia had 2 main allies and Slovenia and Hungary were one of them, it just shows how valued we were at the time compared to nowadays when they are just simply looking for their own interests and calling others a bit selfish if they don't help their allies in need. We are doing exactly the same with our passive attitude towards our friends and no wonder we weren't accepted to ONE when our peak in eRepublik is the daily work and train in this game. Some would say that this is a good thing, having a lot of resources for our country, but I keep saying that we lost the idea who we were and who we are these days - Slovenia has no real allies except the old definition of the ally by the Serbs that do not really know us these days.

The later deletion of Croatia
At the end of the eRepublik v1 plans were made for the final deletion of Croatia by the Serbian, the Hungarian and the Slovenian side - the plan was more than a success, but the later actions proved that this game was in decline and pretty much all countries lost a lot of its core players. However, more important was that Slovenians were thought as the winners of the eRepublik v1 - it was a remark given by the Serbian community and we, for once, were proud of what we had done in this game. This is just a proof that people remember you by your brave actions and not because you are able to indefinitely hold foreign regions. Slovenian and Serbian friendship was a true brotherhood, where you could count on a Serb and a Slovenian that they would mutually watch each other's back and die "defending" it. The memories reach far over that. Nowadays it is all about holding shitload of regions and demanding from your allies that they hand the regions, that are required from them, to the stronger superpower, we keep forgetting about the main thing and that is the fun in this game. It united Slovenians and Serbians in the first place and made us think what a meaning of a true alliance is.

By the words of Serbians, Slovenians were regarded as the winners of v1. The picture depicts the Spanish attack on Rhone Alps and the offensive on Croatia in the late days of eRepublik v1.

Creation of ONE, Serbians abandon Slovenia
Indeed we can say that Slovenians were promised they would be able to join the newly formed alliance called ONE, but those were just empty words. Serbian diplomacy once again proved how old friendships can be forgotten due to economic and politic interests - their goal was to pact with Poland and Spain that weren't very keen on having so many countries from former Phoenix in the alliance. That lead to Slovenia being rejected by Spain that gave veto on our entry. Months after that we were still being mislead, and Serbia kept promising we won't be left out - we still are left out and no one has since now thought of it. Slovenians are a strange nation, we never raise our voice and share our disapproval, but we must be aware, that no one will ever stand for us if we don't stand for ourselves. I do believe that ONE is an alliance that failed to accomplish its goals, but a simbolic gesture, where Serbians would hold their ground and stand for us, would had been at the time most welcome. Shame that didn't occur and we can regard this era as the dark times in the Serbian and Slovenian friendship. After that the brotherhood gained some of its old glory, but it never reached the former level of trust that Slovenians were giving to the Serbians before this.

Turks showed that they shall not be messed around with. Spaniards must be taught a lesson since they rejected the Turkish and Slovenian attempts to join the alliance ONE. Slovenia, sadly, didn't do the same and expressed her disappointment "a bit" too late.

The old friendship improves
Of course some will say that you cannot kill a friendship that once shook the world with its courage and the amount of good words given to each another. In some matter that is true, but for some months to come Slovenians were keen on leaving the Serbian hypocrisy behind and demanded that we change the alignment to another alliance. Ideas were given that we form a pact with the former Phoenix countries or that we even join the ABC alliance, but nothing came out of it and Slovenians kept regarding themselves as neutral and not part of ONE - that is the case even in these days thanks to the "former friends".

Signs of better days came when Serbia successfully drove out Croatia from the Apenine peninsula, but at the time that was still regarded as only as a stitch on the wound.

Slovenians showing what a true friendship means.

People keep saying that it's Serbian fault that Slovenian and Serbian friendship lost its former appeal, but I blame both sides for not doing what is in their power to build on their former successes. The biggest idiocy was the Serbian "no" to Slovenian demands that we join ONE and the result of that action can be still seen up to these days. Of course Slovenia keeps fighting on the Serbian side, but we can't regard this as something that would redefine eRepublik as we know it, old friendships are something that can be easily forgotten and Serbians at the time, when they rejected us, proved just that. I keep asking myself what would it take that people once again remember and relive Slovenia and Serbia side by side, sharing common enemy and not giving a shit about the resources that completely destroyed the definition of a "friend".

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly