The History and Us

Day 1,271, 02:56 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Gil-games
Kia Ora my fellow friends!

Everybody knows something about history and all these are different. Only one tthing is common: history repeat itself.

Now I call all kiwis, sheeps and other life-forms to come and repeat our great history again. Once there was a major event calle😛 Gate Pa. In brief a few Maori warrior won a battle agains five times outnumbered elite British troops only with courage, vigor, a good strategy and their belief of the land`s spirit.

Now I call all of you to come and rewrite our eHistory with such a great deeds as our ancestors did it. I you are up to this, press a vote.

EDIT: I missed the most important thing! The Moral:

After the great fight, they became friends! and built up a country together.
I hope after a great and victorious fight we will become friends with them!!!