The guy who hacked erep

Day 992, 06:40 Published in Czech Republic Slovakia by ¤Anon.2083311¤

Just in case you have not seen it, yet:

for lazyones:

' Hi guys,
We are the people responsible for latest wave of battles.
We are sorry for any inconveniences our actions might have caused. It's not about harming any of you, fair and square eRep players. Our goal is to make everyone realise how bugged eRepublik Rising is.
Dear admins,
Without any problems, we countered your solutions several times during one day. It proves, that Rising is in no way ready to be launched. Of course, we can play cat and mouse for another week. You'll try to patch the big holes in your coding, we'll break in again.
The more simple solution is to return to V1 as soon as it's possible. That version was harder to spoil and more secure for all users. Please, take some additional work on Rising before you release it. The beta testing period should be longer than 2 weeks!
We're looking forward to restoring V1,
The guy who hacked erep '

Damn, I love it! How about you?

**yea, they don't let us use pics anymore, security, you know it...