The Great Debate, Well the PM one!

Day 561, 04:35 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Hello Australians,

Tomorrow night I will be hosting/moderating the Prime Minister Debate between Tim09 and Xavier Griffith. The debate will be taking place in the channel #ausdebate, which can be located by joining Once in there type in /join #ausdebate. Don't worry if you have trouble, there will be people there to help you out.

Why do we have debates?

Debates are held to test a candidates ability to think under the pump while swaying undecided voters to vote for them. It also gives voters potential peace of mind that the person they want to vote for knows what he is talking about. This is where you come in:

If you have a question you would like to ask the candidates PM them to me. If you wish to keep your identity secret you can request that to me as well. We need at least 10 questions for the debate to go ahead and we will then select the best due to limited time (although we will try and get through all of them).

Remember, debates are where true character is shown so be there!

The time of the debate is 6pm AEST time or Day 562 01:00.