The Grain Debate- A call to Action

Day 561, 17:48 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

The Grain Industry is of Fire! lets put it out.

To all congressional members

Recently grain company owners and food company owners for that matter as well as several citizens of Israel including myself as a grain company owner have bickered and argued about the low import tax on grain. This decision was made by congress and it is respected.
What do I want?

-The import tax is 5% one of the lowest in the world for grain.

-We have a medium grain producing country

-Grain is medium priced resulting in medium to high priced food in terms of world markets.

1. Were not looking to sell products of grain or food on the world market, so in turn it doesn’t adversely affect us if our markets are more inflated than others.

2. The valid argument that low skilled workers only make enough to buy food for a day stands, the first solution should be to boost minimum wage and not deflate the grain industry.

3. The second solution in a broad view would be for congress, citizens and the grain companies to find some common ground and move forward to correct the issues. In doing that I promote that we raise the import tax on grain to 20% with some congressional members have suggested in the past few days.

4. Raising the import tax will still allow profitable imports from most legitimate overseas companies while giving domestic companies the edge they need to compete as scoot said in my previous article.

5. We don’t want to look protectionist in nature and keeping the import tax at 20% will keep us from looking that way.

6. A 5% import tax opens the door for a lot of negativity surrounding the situation. It hurts Israel business, ends up laying employees off, lower wages in the grain sector, and eventually stagnant wages in the food sector as grain will be cheap, food will be cheap, food companies will start making profits not seen before and will most likely keep if for themselves and not pass it on to the employees if history repeats itself, and it creates a negative environment for all involved except for the government who will be getting the tax from the importers and the importers and their employees. It also creates grain jobs in other countries which we don’t want to promote as a nation, we need to keep the make it here, buy it here mentality about us to remain successful and unified as a nation.

I ask that those congressmen who are moderate in their views on this really examine the situation from both sides and speak with grain producers, grain employees and listen to the concerns that we have. Don’t just say it is what it is, as that won’t move our nation forward and will move to de-unificate our nation in the long run as a whole. Lets work together to serve everyone’s interest’s not just foreign company Interest’s in the long run.

Those of you who see this as your way or no way will be seen by the nation and will be remembered come next election period and the one after that. Lets make the wrongs right.