The Germans are with you!

Day 601, 23:03 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

Canadian brothers and sisters,

As congressman and the German ambassador to Canada, it would be my duty to inform you that Germany will remain neutral in this war and that our government urged our people to regard the war (which thanks to our ongoing MPP we can still participate in) as a training war that we should get get engaged in too much.

However, here I am speaking to you as a normal German citizen. A lot of my landsmen share my sentiment that the war waged against you by imperialistic PEACE is nothing but unjust, and that it's a shame that our government is forced to stay idle to maintain good relations with our 'liberators'.
But outside of these political games, the people of Germany are with you! We have not forgotten your loyal and kind aid during the war against Sweden and Poland and your country, facing a similar invasion, having formed an alliance with the two is of course more than understandable and justified; no hard feelings have emerged from it here, especially seeing how you too were understanding when we had to adopt a more PEACE-friendly stance due to the diplomatic pressure.

You nation was always a well-liked and treasured friend to us, and you can count on our people to do their best to show this, now that you are in peril and facing a threatening and mean-hearted foe. I for once will be sure to fight every day for your cause, which is also that of peace and tolerance in a violent world. Many other Germans think alike and will do anything in their power to ensure that you remain sovereign.

As you have done for us, we will battle for and loyally stay on your side, as long and fiercely as it is possible. For a valued ally, for a dear friend, and for a more peaceful world!