The Future of eIreland

Day 602, 15:49 Published in Ireland Ireland by Tomas O'Se

I can't be the only one who is excited by what is going on in North America at the moment. We all claim that it's global stability and a peaceful solution that we all crave but let's face it. We want blood. The most exciting days I have had on eRepublik have been the violent ones. The ones of upset, upheaval and unrest. Do you remember when we thought the Brits were going to invade the Shannon? That day was f**king mayhem! It was terrifying, it was thrilling but most importantly, it was fun.

Be we aren't involved in this latest conflict. To which my initial reaction was a sigh of relief. We were panicked enough about the brits invading, imagine the might of PEACE or the US pitching up at our front door! But neutrality has a cost. A major one. One that I think is being underplayed.

Our war games with the USA have stopped. And I don't think they can continue again until the USA is in a more secure position. This stops us gaining fighting points and hospital heath. It also makes us a darn sight less interesting to immigrants. Those wars games were brilliant but I fear that without them, we will find it very hard either attract existing citizens or keep new and growing ones.

I personally am now sorely tempted to go and fight in North America. The fun, health and experience I would enjoy are hard to ignore. But I love living in eIreland. We have a much more cosey feel than some of the bigger nations. eIreland is a community. What am I going to do?

And more importantly, what are we going to do? Is there anyone we could wargame with? Or could we join one of the sides? Take the risk of annihilation and just do it for the craic? I think we need to think very carefully about our next step because choosing wrong here could prove disastrous for eIreland.

I want to hear what you think! Please leave a comment! (But be nice as this is my first article...)