The Future of ATLANTIS

Day 533, 08:03 Published in USA USA by Dmalicious

As of today, Romania still remains the most powerful nation in the eWorld - it's military, economy, and population dwarf countries across every corner of the Earth and they are a model of superpower governance.

However, we should begin to analyze a post-Romanian world. At it's apex, Romania controlled territories from Hungary to the Pacific, controlling a massive empire from Budapest to Hong Kong surrounded by a network of allies and puppet states.

Beginning with the downfall of Norway to a PEACE PTO and the subsequent rise of Russia, Romania and Indonesia began to fight a long a bloody war for dominance across the globe. This is common knowledge of course. However, what most citizens do not realize is that Romanian power is beginning to fade.

Last week, Romania was pushed out of South Asia and the hopes of taking Indonesia's only high-iron region, Karnataka, were crushed. This week, Indonesia has begun, along with China and Iran, a massive campaign to push Romania out of East Asia - and their efforts are succeeding. Currently, Romania only controls a small portion of China in the southeast region of the country.

And just in the last two days, Hungary has been pushing into Romania's European territories from the west, pushing deep into Romanian Ukraine in what may be a PEACE equivalent to ATLANTIS's recent overtures to South Africa - the systemic liberation of the region to secure its accession to PEACE.

I am not saying we should begin to doubt Romania or ATLANTIS and I am not saying we should join PEACE. However, it is clear to us now that a power shift is underway and we may need to re-evaluate Romania's influence in the eWorld. How will the eUSA react to a Romanian defeat? What will be our official response? What leading position, if any, will our nation play in a new world order where Indonesia and Hungary have replaced Romania as the premier military powers of the world and are we prepared for such a reality? This may be sensationalist reporting based on truth or it may just be what the eWorld may look like in a few months, but regardless of official policy, I urge the president and congress to focus on the future of ATLANTIS and the eUSA's role in it in the coming future, the issue may be more important than we think.

Thank You.
Editor of the eMerica Gazette and Proud Member of the USWP.