the function of president....

Day 315, 12:05 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by shadowukcs

big day tomorrow, the election day!!! yaaaay!!!!!

nah, seriously, it is important. More then ever since this president will need to guide the country through V1.

As most of you know my preference goes to Rayf from the UKRP. Why? Because he's the most capable of them all. I know I'm somewhat biased on this since I'm the founder of UKRP, but overall I honestly think he's the best candidate.

Widdows is a good candidate too. The only problem I have with him is the fact that he's been AWOL for almost 2 week. Don't take me wrong, he's a capable leader and a intelligent and kind person, but this is the most crucial month of the entire game. Can we trust it in the hands of someone who might go AWOL again? A situation like that would be disastrous and catastrophic for this country. Can we risk that? Can we gamble and risk everything in the most important month of the entire game? That is the question I ask myself at this point. And my answer to that question is “no”. We can’t gamble in this month. The stakes are too high. I know widdows said he didn’t had internet access, but I find that rather hard to believe. There’s always a neighbor or a library or internet café or the computer at work/school that you use to quickly check e-rep. I think it’s hard to believe that in the 21th century you can’t find a single computer for 2 weeks. I mean, it’s not like he lives in the Mongolian steppes? This is Western Europe, right?

Hassan is a good candidate too. He's a nice guy, always polite and a brilliant writer. Only reason why I wouldn't vote on him is due to the fact that he's kinda vague. He's very diplomatic but he's not a fierce debater. Don't take me wrong, he's very active on the forum and he gives his opinion in almost every debate, but he's more a calm guy who listens to what others have to say. We need someone that can stand up his country, we need a hard negotiator and a borne leader. Someone that can stick to his point when he's confronted with other political leaders and defend those points.

That is why, my dead friends and countrymen, that I’m voting for Rayf. He’s an honest, decent, capable and intelligent man. He’s a man of his word and a man that will do everything for this e-country. He’s the kind of guy we need to guide the country to V1, he’s the man that brings us tomorrow

Kind regards
Aurum share holder

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