The Frustration of Running a Resistance In Erepublik/Huvudet i Sanden!

Day 311, 14:28 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per


Comrades in the resistance. If you do not post on the resistance forums I highly encourage you to sign up now.

If you believe you wish to fight for Danish independence we also would like you to sign up for those forums and let us know. (If you are able to, and want to, join our party).
Our Swedish brothers are welcome to form Snapphanar units and join us. 😛 What we need is commitment. I do not believe that Sweden will want to grant us independence. I've heard there was a discussion in the Riksdag on Danish independence, but if it's the one that was published recently, it's very disappointing. Of course perhaps this has much to do with the uncertainty around V1.

However that's not the most annoying thing about the resistance. It's close. But not quite. Let me continue.

It's bigger than it's ever been before. (Maybe it was slightly bigger but not by much). The size of this resistance party has absolutely no correlation to activity, article writing, the creation and re-starting of our own forum or any of that. So that much is cool I guess. I wish the snow ball effect was more effective. People still join our old board forums, god knows why or where they get that link. But that too, is not what annoys me.

It's the absolute inability of the game to sustain a resistance. The mechanics of resistance only feed into apathy and boredom. The longer it takes before independence the higher the ratio of this. This also has very much to do with the fact that almost all hitherto wars have been fought by enormous countries against tiny countries. Which makes the chances of a successful resistance remote.

And really how does that correlate to real life? When has it ever been easy to occupy other nations over long periods of time without severe drain of resources and a high amount of political unrest?

Leaving Denmark with two choices.

1. Appeal the fuck out to the international community and spam the internet. Cannibalizing in game players is rarely a successful strategy, and spamming the internet is never a successful strategy. Also apparently I never ever spell the word successful right according to my spell check. But it uses an imperfect British dictionary.

2. Cut a deal with Sweden. This is an unfortunate argument as EVERYONE CAN SEE WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO BARGAIN WITH. It would be nice if we could keep that oil region. That's pretty much the only thing we'd have. Ugh. The thought already annoys the hell out of me. I think negotiating with Sweden will be similar to Hitler negotiation with Franco. Hitler said of those negotiations that it was something like "going to the Dentist with no pain-relief." I mean we have a vague threat of violence. "ooh be careful Sweden we might temporarily screw with your economy and health bars!" "oooh be careful Sweden you might have to click THREE times a day."

3. If we chose to fight with Sweden it would have to be done in coordination with international brigades. And we would really have to try really hard to convince any neighbors to invade Sweden at the same time.

Damnit Alexis I want that pipeline!

Really it has always seemed like an insurmountable task. It's fucking annoying. The elimination of smaller countries is equivalent the elimination of individuality in this game. Smaller nations were where a person could shine and you were charged with the task of building them up. If you have no nation, what is your motivation? People continually ask why we can't just integrate into Sweden. Let me paraphrase something I just read

"It didn't matter how hard I tried to create utopia, these people just fought harder for their right to live in hell."
-Superman, Premier of the USSR, Red Sun, Else World comics.

With no nation this game loses it's life. It's a game based on nations. You are an individual but also a member of a community. Now I'm a member of a shunned minority. Wee.