The eWorld is Ending

Day 953, 21:44 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy

That's right folks the eWorld is ending, governments are falling apart and nations breath their last breath before slipping into total darkness and anarchy. The mods passwords has been leaked and trolls have taken control of the admin. Even banning the Admin account. Yes it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

The world's strongest, highest leveled most respected, most predominant and heads of start have been banned. All we can do is sit back and party as the world falls apart. For those who survive until tomorrow you will be left to rebuild and reshape the eWorld.

So I'll keep this article short and to the point, trolls have Admin's powers and are using them, keep calm and carry on, the real Admins should have everything back to normal by tomorrow, but tonight we party.