The eWorld

Day 691, 07:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mickale

In the world that we all know and love so much, we think things about politics that simply don't apply in erepublik because of the de-humanization the game provides. (be it positive or negative, it is an extra conditional factor none-the-less)

In popular culture around the world, Democracy seems to essentially not work. (I'm talking about a full Democracy, not a Republic) Indeed, I would even have to agree with this; it simply takes too long to get anything done, and if something is proposed, generally a large portion of corrupt members of the democracy, (much like the Roman Senate) will vote for what fills their pockets, not their country's coffers. However, in a game with so few human contributions (I.e. protests and peace marchers or riots and strikes, all not in the game) it is quite easy to determine the number of votes, to oppress the people with out them knowing any better, and to consequently fool people into a false sense of security. This is the kind of world erepubliks is - Socialism, Communism, and Democracy all reign hand and hand, but they cannot mix, so problems occur.

That little political cartoon, if you would call it even that, is true to the letter. If, in the real world, superpowers deem minor nations to have strayed from what they saw as right, they would then pressure those states to conform with the superpowers, even if doing so hurts them. This is why on erepublik we have creative things, like a large Communist party in pretty much every country and a Theocracy in Switzerland (interesting!) Speaking about theocracy, there are some who believe that such an idea is absolutely ridiculous, and will even go as far to make such comparisons as this:

How disrespectful! Honestly, the RL Pope and the erepublik Swiss Theocracy have nothing in common. Unless there is an ePope there is no need for the use of this picture... (Though I will admit I got a laugh or two out of it 😛 )Anyway, some things can get out of hand when a computer game tries two replicate the real world, and thus it's hard for a person to keep a grasp on some common sense.

For example, to many people, it is confusing to understand why the eUSA has been attacked by PEACE, and consequently Columbia. Well, that's just simply because they had it coming to them. Honestly, without their nukes, what can they do? Regardless, they have come back and surpassed Russia (and everyone else) in population, so Good Job to Americans! (I will now go into hiding for committing treason against the Overlords of PEACE)

As people go from these crazy forms of government, the only thing you can really do is step back and laugh. Where else would you see this kind of competitive lunacy? Perhaps the next elections? Ha ha, no, hopefully not. But alas, it is just a game, and let's not get carried away.

PEACE is just a force that wants to kill everyone who isn't in PEACE, and to eventually dominate the world. But it is impossible to dominate the world. No matter how many wars you wage, how many people PTO small countries, how many times you crush rebellions, more will follow. This is a concept we Britons should know. It was not too long ago we had an empire that the sun never set on, but alas, things change. In my opinion, PEACE, as powerful as it is, will eventually crumble and be reborn like the phoenix into a new alliance; perhaps even multiple.

I am sorry for writing such a long article, but you must understand the last one with any meaning was written quite a long time ago. I like these kinds of articles because they inspire supporters to comment, and haters to comment as well. Both are useful! Hateful ones give me a laugh while also raising good points (usually). And who doesn't like supporters?
