The Elections in Belgium

Day 705, 01:48 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

Two days ago, Flanders seceded from the United Netherlands and an independent Belgium arose once again, just in time for the congress elections. Ones which are highly important to the small country, as its sovereignty is still being challenged while hostile takeover units pour into its cities.

To illustrate the current situation, here be an overview of its four largest parties:" /> Seal Team 6
Run by Habraka Abrivianius, the man behind the ambitions striving for liberation of the country. It's probably the party with the purest Belgian interests, and also the largest one." /> United Netherlands Party
The name says it all. This party is one of the two PEACE takeover ones, seeking to forcibly reunite Belgium with the Netherlands. It's the second strongest one at the moment, followed closely by..." /> The Group
The Group consists primarily of Romanian and other EDEN citizens, yet it is not one seeking to take over the country; it merely supports the independence, its members fought in the resistance war leading to the freedom of Flanders, and it works closely together with Abrivianius' faction." /> PEACE ATO - Love you Lyne
Another PEACE takeover party; its members who fought on the Dutch side in the battle of Flanders are predominantly French.

How these elections will turn out nobody can tell yet; I at least wish the people of Belgium the best of luck and hope that they will be able to overcome all difficulties in once again forming an own state!" alt="gent kanal er groß 2.png" />

P.S. vote me in Newfoundland ;o