The effects of "True Patriot" medal

Day 1,620, 01:10 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

Social life

We are witnessing yet another change, the introduction of True Patriot medal, which in this eWorld was relatively well accepted.

What marked the last week was constant complaints on account of Admin, who was accused of giving free chocolate and bazookas to one side only, accused of constant lowering of default prices and by that profits for the player, for devaluation of CC (country currency), destruction of economy, ... Under this circumstances, which threatened to culminate in another boycot, Plato decided to introduce new mission to divert player attention. New Q3 training center was introduced, going at the same time with another 30% gold purchase discount, so as to convince world tanks, who were beginning to mark their profile with ''Buying gol😛 OFF'' notice, to spend their money yet again.

This resulted in number of comments and articles where an idea appeared to stop all wars for a couple of days or weeks, as to show Admin the increasing dissatisfaction of players. Admin reacted at once, facing the problem with his well known way. He introduced the "True Patriot" medal.

War module

It is obvious that new medal will affect the war module, the question is in what way. My opinion is that it will drastically affect the MPP (mutual protection pacts) and the influence of MPP on battle results. In the following period of time, say next month or so, players will bring their battle damage back to their home countries, as to get gold and win new medals. Following that line, military units daily orders will do the same. This will result in a lot of damage being wasted, as we will witness battle walls up to 80% and more.

This will disrupt the ballance of alliances. TEDEN will profit by having larger number of middle size powers, whereas ONE's power is concentrated in a couple of countries where a large portion of damage will end to serve the outcome of those local battlegrounds.

At the same time, neutral countries and countries that at this moment are not involved in any war, will by the demand of their citizens have to start new wars. In case the wars started should be so called training wars, we are to witness even more chaos and irrational damage waste.

Economy module

"True Patriot" will lead to creation of large amount of gold in a short period of time that will no doubt affect the monetary market. Gold influx will result in strengthening of local currencies and perhaps players in posession of large amounts of currency could profit during this time. But one has to cosider that most of new gold will be spend on upgrading new training centers, so that money fluctuations will be not that large after all. A businessman shuld be careful about making profit during this period of time.

Speaking of markets in eRepublik, we can expect a constant fall of prices, considering all the hiperproduction, considering Admin's price control affecting our profits.

Political module - migrations

This module shouldn't be affected much except for giving off passports. A portion of players residing now at the countries with bonuses will tend to return home to hit for new medals, that is unless they want to hit for China, USA, Brasil,... taking of course into account wheather profit from the new medal is better than profits provided by counrey production bonuses.

Other effects

If we look at RWs (resistance wars) we can already notice the negative effect, there are fewer mercenaries, and there are larger inputs of occupiers. We can conclude that RH medal will be harder to achieve than it used to be.

Theoretically speaking, True Patriot medal is, regarding a player's strength and rank, only worth purchasing up to a certain stage. Where stronger players with bigger damage, if you don't count the bazookas, can profit much more from it. After that stage it will be for example more economic to chase the mercenary medal than to chase millions required for next patriot medal. When this stage is reached, we can conclude, the game will stabilise again.

writen by dr Adi Kerovic
translation by Jack Jockson
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