The economy needs some silvertejping

Day 1,535, 11:38 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste
The financial crisis in RL was nothing compared to what we are doing to Swedens eEconomy right us now.

Article by Toothpaste

Am I the only one that think that the leadership of Sweden should actively start caring about the people of Sweden rather than who is what minister of whatever department? Am I the only one that think that we could fix our economy, or at least try, by setting some price standards? Am I the only one that think that we can influence the economy by send PM😒 to individuals, re-shout info, and try to keep strict planned economy? (yes, commie style)

Am I the only one that think that Sweden's market should first and foremost be for swedes? I told the congress to raise the import taxes before the crisis but they wanted to wait it off - and here we are. And now I'm saying it again. Its not really about not allowing the foreigners to sell stuff on the Swedish market to Plato - its rather about them not selling "their goods" to our local businessmen.

Our local businessmen buy from who has the cheapest and the biggest amount out there. And its always the foreigners that are exporting their goods in masses to earn few bucks on the trade, but also to gain some SEK so they can later get a Swedish Citizenship and buy farms and mines. Our local businessmen must buy from Swedes to stimulate the economy of each and every swede.

Foreigners can still earn their SEK with the import tax set high, by selling their goods to Plato, but they should not be allowed to block our business by competing with us swedes for the human trade.

Raise the Import tax and the leadership should start leading!

Btw, presidential elections on the way. I'm voting for Intyala. Sweden needs to get out of this wiping, province selling and economical misfortune. With Intyala, we can start fresh.