The Donovanator's Industries/Bank update.(NEW!)

Day 438, 12:09 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

Well right now I don't have enough time to write "The Word" so I am not doing that today.

The Donovanator's Industries/Bank update

I want to inform you on what I am selling right now- not the market but through donations.

[Quantity]-Quality, Product for (cheap price here) each

[14]q1, Food for $1 each

[SOLD-OUT]q1, Moving Tickets for $10 each

You must donate money to Donovantor's Industries/Bank first and include a PM on what you want and we will send you the product and the amount you wanted.

The Donovanator's Grain company update
"The Donovanator's Grain" is hiring for the land skill of 4 for $20 per day. Your wellness MUST be at least 75. We have one benefit - Every Friday (starting now) we give food to our employees and the quality of the food = your skill. YOU MUST DO THE TRIVIA.

"The Donovanator's Grain" will make an agreement to any q3 food company. We will buy your food every Friday;PLUS I personally will buy from your q3 food company, and tell my employees to buy from that food store ONLY (By the way we sell our Grain at a low price.Last time I sold my grain for $1.50 and before that it was $1.19) We call this TAD (Trade Agreement of Donovanator)

I will buy a newspaper for my organization and will sell stuff, and give you an update this way