The Decision to Join EDEN

Day 743, 13:13 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Fellow Americans,

Earlier this week, we the undersigned members of America's Advancement Party voted in favor of the President's request to join the ERepublik Defense and Economic Network (EDEN) - a mutual protection alliance against hostile rogue nations across the New World.

Our decision did not come easily; joining EDEN means pledging eUS support to fight battles in which we might not otherwise take part, and we will share our allies' burden of paying for mutual protection pacts and military actions.

However, our allies in Europe stood by us during our country's darkest hour, and earlier this week the EDEN Council unanimously requested that the United States join their alliance - when the largest gathering of nations in the New World asked us for our country's assistance, we felt we could not in good conscience turn away.

We also feel that joining forces will benefit our nation as much as our European allies. By joining EDEN, we will increase military coordination, ensure continued MPPs with strong, established military powers, and gain a powerful voice on the EDEN Council to help steer the Alliance in a mutually beneficial direction. We also have faith in our military leadership - many of us were swayed to pledge our support when the Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously endorsed the alliance.

It is important to understand that not a single member of our caucus voted to join EDEN unreservedly. As members of Congress, we will closely monitor the ramifications of the new alliance. Should we find that the EDEN relationship is not in the eUS' best interest, we will speak out, and more important, we will vote accordingly.

As Members of America's Advancement Party, we believe that you are entitled to transparency and accountability from your elected officials. We also believe that, as one of the most powerful nations in the New World, the eUS benefits from positive engagement with the global community. Today, with our support, the eUS joins with EDEN. We wanted you to know why.


Willisen, M.C.

Tyler Buublar, M.C.

Daniel Dodge, M.C.

Even Feinman, M.C.