The Dead Horse

Day 757, 10:09 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

I will stand up and proudly say that I have not agreed with anything that has happened these last few days. I did not agree with retreating Kyushu, I certainly do not agree with the fact that it has not been returned on time (American two-clickers are supposedly not obedient >&gt😉, and I certainly disagree with the methods President Dokomo used to push a case that was exactly the same thing he couldn't get us to agree to in the first place.

I see President Dokomo's words that he would retreat Kyushu even without congressional approval as traitorous. I see his involvement, and words on the FoH forums as slightly disturbing. I further see the FoH as one of those kinds of PTOs that arn't forceful but more like Chess.

And just because something doesn't resemble the typical example doesn't mean they aren't the same. I measure things by the ends, not the means.

Dear readers allow me to take a step foreword.

Congress, overrun by FoH supporters, always has the majority they need to do everything they want and more. President Dokomo has no rules of the game holding him back from not listening to the congress should he deem them unworthy of his ear.

This type of control where the running of the country is handled by a group that disagrees with a majority of the active citizenry that isn't political bound, since a PTO needs the political bound in their favor, is what we call a PTO.

However they will all insist that it is merely a majority.

Think to yourselves. If you all do not agree with them, and there is a majority of you, then do they truly represent the majority?

But I digress.

At this point in time Kyushu has been handed over to the USA and eJapan is once again seen as a country who will give its land to anyone who asks. We have regained the cycle of being a puppet to one of the major world alliances once more, and those in the other alliance see us not as righteous, but as betrayers of their good will from when they assisted us in defending the first time around.

This has happened.

There is no use in beating the subject to death.

Instead I call you all to look towards the future.

If you all have disagreed with what has occurred here, do no vote in the people who did it again! Don't merely hand them the keys to the country apathetically if you don't want something like this to occur again. Don't vote in their friends since they will go along with any idea their group suggests.

Vote instead for those who agree with you. Vote for those who care about you. Vote for those you know you can trust.

For the recor😛

A list of the congressional members who agreed with retreating Kyushu.

Daeish - Godzilla Party
Crawling Chaos - Godzilla Party
Ryoushi - TFC
GokuJones - Godzilla Party
Momochi - ISP
ExReality - ISP
Chysamere - Godzilla Party
Vorph - Godzilla Party
Kizmet - TFC
Pupants - Godzilla Party
Millie Angelfire - ISP
Lejina - Godzilla Party
Chaotic1 - Godzilla Party
Kyuutai - ISP
Erumaron - Godzilla Party
Shimiken - TFC
Galbatorix9z - Godzilla Party

Those who Abstaine😛

Seixo - TFC
Metic - DPJ
Yumiko Tsuzuki -ISP

Those who voted Disagreed

no1kevlin - TFC
virusxpl - TFC
Koppanyi - (Left congress)
Adavek - ( Left Godzilla over this issue)
AltmerVampire -SOS Brigade
Sophia Forrester - ULJ
Matsumi - TFC
Dareru Danoshi - SOS Brigade
Faeyas - SOS Brigade

Those who did not Vote

Reiji Mitsurgi - ISP
Demzon - ULJ
Kokos40 - TFC
Ryuunen - ISP
Tomoka Miyamae - SOS
Soulkeeper101 - TFC
MrHolland420 - Godzilla
Akki - NAP
Peter McGoon - ISP
Yonsil - ULJ

Please keep this in mind for the elections coming up this month. Although those with the PTO have votes and snipes to spare and likely will not be stopped by the will of the people, this does not mean you need to blindly assist them!

So drop the dead horse, it happened and there was nothing we could do to stop it, instead step foreword and take charge of future events! Congress and Presidential elections are in YOUR hands!