The day the New World stood still

Day 1,039, 07:24 Published in Serbia Romania by Sekiro

Today is the last day of fighting with the current military module as announced by the admins. No attacks can be started after 4:00 o’clock eR Time (theoretically, because practically Russia attacked at 04:21:02).

EDEN took the advantage of this final day by forcing the conquest of the coveted Serbian fortress of Liaoning. This big final push started a numerous string of battles more or less important, trying to draw as many soldiers as possible from the Liaoning battlefield. Thus Mexico attacked Spain in Valley of Mexico trying to win their territorial integrity and evacuate the Spanish from their country after a long foreign occupation, Romania attacked Northern Basarabia in an attempt to conquer the region and to drain as much damage as possible from Hungary and its 13 allies.

To count on as many American soldiers as possible, North Korea attacked Far Eastern Siberia to block an eventual Russian RW.

Canada started another offense on their beloved friends – UK, in Wales, Japan attacked South Korea in Gyeongsangbuk-do and Poland attacked Sudovia, Lithuania.

Trying to free some of their occupied territories, the Russians started a RW in Eastern Siberia and attacked Poland in Western Siberia.

Last but not least, Australia started 2 RWs in South Australia and Northern Territory trying to obtain as much as possible from these battles.

Today’s battles will more surely reshape the political map of the New Word. In which way…only time will tell.

Lately i will publish statistics of all battles fought today