The Day's Good and Bad Words

Day 576, 14:07 Published in Austria Switzerland by Lynari

The Good Words

I said soon after I was elected that my first priority would be reclaiming regions as a necessary step in the nation's development. Well, now we have more than we can handle. Lower Austria is ours permanently. It's good to have the high grain region and it's great that we managed to get it for free, as all of the invasions and resistance wars were paid in full by our good PEACE GC allies. The next Congressionals pose something of a problem, however. With four regions, we'll have a Congress of 40. They haven't yet, but past experience tells me that we can expect an onslaught of foreignors here for the 5 gold or to screw with our country. It may be in our best interest to give UA back to Italy for safekeeping, which will reduce Congress' size. Whether or not we do this I haven't yet decided; I'll have more to say on it later. Either way, our high grain region is ours now and forever, and that is what is most important. My next priority is national revenue. As I said last time, (and it came to fruition, didn't it?) expect an update in a few days - I actually already see results materializing. I expect to buy our way into the PEACE South American Training War very soon. That will secure us at least one practice battle every other day for eight days, minimum. I know we all like the free experience and wellness gained from the Styrian Q5 hospital. 🙂 Lastly, I'd like to mention that I intend to run for the Presidency again. I realize it is no surprise, but I just thought I'd mention it aloud. I hope by July you will decide that you have enjoyed my first term well enough to elect me a second time. 🙂

Bad Words

I learned today that Degenhardt will be resigning from the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs because his real life is keeping him too busy. That leaves the position open. Applicants welcome.

~L, President