The Daily Report - War Special

Day 618, 15:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by Top Gun
War Special

This issue of the Daily Report is focusing on the wars in the e-world today.
It mentions most important battles and wars going on around the world.

Sol Wargames

Wargames conducted by several founder members of the proposed Sol Alliance are due to start tomorrow at 12:00pm(eRep Time)
The planned games will involve the Philippines invading the attacking the Sabah Region of Malaysia,activating it's MPPs
The scheduled games are planned to continue for 1 month.

PEACE Wargames

The Second Battle of the PEACE Wargames has been started by Latvia.
21 Nations are currently taking part in the wargames,in particular many small nations,due to the low costs of taking part.

Fortis vs PEACE War

Fortis continue to be pushed back by PEACE on several fronts.

In Eastern Europe,Romania continue to lose home regions to Ukraine,backed by PEACE's main powerhouses.
Currently Romania looks to have lost the battle for the region of Chinsau,an original Romanian region.

In France,the Spanish attack on Aquitaine has been unsuccessful with the French wall in high figures.

In America:

The Resistance War in Tennessee against Portugal is looking like a loss for the Resistance.

The Battle for Kentucky currently has a 52,000 point wall for the US at the moment,one to watch as it moves into the closing hours of the battle.

The Battle for Kansas,the site of one of 3 US Q5 Hospitals is the main point of action in the war today.The US is currently securing the region,the wall is at almost 100,000 points at the time of print.
The US Military orders are to focus on that battle.

The Battle for Oklahoma is in it's early stages,and currently the US have a 35,000 point wall.
The attacker is this battle is Indonesia.

Earlier the US secured South Carolina from Portugal and Wyoming from Russia.

Indonesia successfully conquered New Mexico from the US.

Overall,the US has done a pretty good job defending multiple regions successfully so far,however there is still plenty to fear from the heavy hitting PEACE Tanks heading into the last hours of
today's battles.

In Canada

Canada continues to attack Russia's newly conquered US Regions,currently attacking Minnesota

Earlier,Canada captured North Dakota after the Russians retreated,

Canada retreated from Yukon earlier,surrendering the region to the French.

About an hour ago,3 Canadian regions held by the United Kingdom were transferred to Hungary.
These regions are Newfoundland and Labrador,Nunavut and Manitoba.

In Sweden

Sweden have launched an attack on Nordjylland,currently in control of Hungary.

A final piece of news from the war.

US President Harrison Richardson has been temporarily banned,officially for breaking erepublik forum rules,others have different ideas.
Also,the US congress has rejected the purchase of a new Q5 Hospital in New York,Zoli,the regular source of PEACE Propaganda in the US,has wrote an article on it.

I was planning to have less of a list,and something else in this article,but we'll save that for a blank page of a new article.
Future articles will be much more varied(and interesting).
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The Daily Report