The Daily Journal- Israel Edition

Day 573, 22:20 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

The Daily Journal- Israel Edition

Today's International News
1. Central Greece was conquered by the resistance force in the war versus Turkey
2. All of Israel has been Liberated at this point- AMEN and Hallelujah

RW biblical verse of the day

Then the man said, "Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome."
Genesis 32:28

Other News

I have decided to leave the IWP after a crushing defeat by CJwillwin, he won the seat fair and square for the IWP party presidency, good luck and best of luck to him in trying to lead a dying party without the leadership of Sadeh. I have joined a party that is more in touch with reality and is striving for Israel to succeed in the world and region and a dominant legitimate power, Likud. The IWP party was hijacked along time ago by propaganda oriented citizens only striving for personal success and fame as a whole. The issue with Gzen and Buzzy battling for the presidents seat after Sadeh left was set up in advance, I know this as a member of the IWP as they are, We knew what was going to take place before it did, it was all a set up. Sadeh would leave, the IWP controlled congress would keep another party from taking the presidential seat and there would be a false leader Buzzy installed into the position, Gzen had other ideas and has pushed his own agenda at the rightful heir for the time being therefore throwing a slight monkey wrench in the initial plan. The IWP claims they would want to protect Israel, but enacting a fraud upon the people and leaving no real president in place has endangered Israel as a whole, that’s not disputable. The numbers of the IWP are shrinking as more and more realize what is going on, I am again one of them, I thought the IWP had stopped this type of behavior along time ago, but clearly not, when I heard of the secret plan, It frankly disgusted me and the only reason I hung around is to take a swing at the party presidency to work on reforming the party, but unfortunately that did not happen and the party will continue to die overtime with poor leadership. These are not personal attacks; these are facts that are now public.

Good Day,

God Bless