The Crisis in Bolivia

Day 616, 10:37 Published in Austria Switzerland by Lynari

Why has worldwide condemnation not been enough to halt the invasion? Only six hours remain until Bolivia loses its capital, a high wood region. This invasion is a greedy, imperialistic one, and it poorly represents PEACE. I'd like to make it clear that the actions of one nation, however moronic, do not necessarily reflect the feelings of its allies. Austria has done what it could to help and other nations are rising to the occasion as well. I thank Brazil and Slovenia for taking a stan😛 you represent PEACE well. But so does Poland, apparently. Let me say this: it is a sad day for PEACE when Poland acts with more integrity than we do. Nevertheless, I have faith in PEACE. We shall redeem ourselves.

Citizens of Bolivia, I apologize on behalf of decency in the world.

~L, President of Austria