The Company Owner

Day 1,530, 23:46 Published in USA USA by Saphire109

The company owner is a driven individual that has to understand the commercial implication of the after-effects of regulation in the game and what it can entail. For example, not allowing managers to work would raise RM prices to the roof so maybe he would have to come up with some communal-sharing system for those RM. Anyhow, that is just one example. In a company you have to plan, organise, lead and control. Even here on Erep.

Because this is erepublik,
Keep in mind the following things:

Liquidable Assets- how much you can sell or dismantle your company for
Market Cap- remember to never overproduce one single item
Diversify- can't stress that enough, the more you diversify the better
Worker productivity- make sure everybody's working every day in your companies
VAT- the value added to the commodity you are selling
Extra expenses- any expenses you might not have thought about
Days off-how much you can work per day is important
ROI- return rate of your investments

Make Long-term goals if possible. Aim for 100 day investments or so forth.

Let's go even deeper using my companies as an example.

At 22,000 food raw material per day I spend 70*Q5 unit food per day cost.

Using last month's cost and money estimates I will calculate my profit minus expenses.

Daily: 22,000 *.25= 5500
Days I work per week on average= 5
Gross Profit Per Month= 20*5500= 110,000

Food Q5 per unit= 3
70*3=210 per day
extra-ordinary expenses per day= 200
total expenses per day= 410
Total expenses per month average= 8200

Net Profit per month= 110,000-8,200= 101,800

Initial Startup cost= 75 (number of Q4 companies I own)*8500= 637,000

My Payoff is six months from now but that was with a stable economy.
We could therefore say, economy being 50% less value in money that I would reach that amount in a year due to instability.

If however I am forced to not work in my companies I dismantle them for 3,500 each.

again 75*3500= 262,500

So I would be losing a net loss of around 374,500 because of loss of manager working..
Plus loss of toolboxes already made my payoff date greater than six months.

Just one example of how the system is working.