The Caste System: The Way the eUS Will Win V2

Day 958, 10:02 Published in USA USA by Zeutheir

If you haven't read The Republic by Plato, pick up a copy.

The Noble Lie

In my time testing out the Beta of V2, I've come to the conclusion that, for the eUS to succeed, we need to perpetuate the same sort of "Noble Lie" that Plato talked about in his masterpiece polemic. In short, if you haven't read it, he theorized that men should be told, as they get older, that all people are born from one of three elements: gold, silver or bronze (or iron). This lie would lead to specialized training of that child into the caste in which he was needed. Those born from bronze (most) would be the laborers, farmers or craftsmen. Silver would be soldiers and guardians of the republic, and gold would be the rulers, governors and philosopher kings.

Warless Warriors
We will need to set up the same system in V2. I realize right now that I will never do any good using the war module in the new version of this game, and that is a reality that many will find hard to grasp. If a player isn't devoted to spending large amounts of gold, being online for coordinated attacks times, and willing to be involved with a highly-organized military or militia organization, they should not waste hours, gold and wellness training or fighting.

I realize that my place in the game is in media and politics and that I will never do any good on the battlefield. As such, I'll be splitting my days into 8/8/8 hours chunks of studying, working and resting. I'll likely do this to help produce tanks for my militia (go EZC!).

Will this make some new players mad that they can't come in and hit the battlefield? Yeah. But think about how much more frustrated they would be to hit the battlefield unprepared just to get consistently pummeled by the gold-spending tanks (rea😛 !! bots) of Phoenix. Should new players instead be directed to live within their means and do what is best to help the nation? Yes. They must be directed to go this route if they aren't taking a military path and stick to a study/work/rest schedule.

Military Types
Maybe some players come in, or maybe after some time spent in the game, and they show some promise. They are willing to spend the real $$$ for gold and put in hours willing to train for the eUS military. This is where the Training Corps is going to be key. If a player knows that he wants to take a military route and shows promise in the TC, only then should that new player be allowed to take a military path. We have to emphasize to new players that this is not a war game. It is a strategy game. And for the eUS to succeed, we all have to do our parts. The path to the military should be a tough one, and it should not be for everyone. Most players should not fight and should stick to a support role, being more involved in the social aspects of the game outside of the in-game modules if, like me, they desire more activity.

A Tough Pill to Swallow
Nations that effectively implement a caste strategy like this will succeed. It lends itself better to nations like our enemies that have mindless hordes of bots to support its military and a sizeable handful of roid-filled (rea😛 gold-filled) tanks. We have to tell new players that this is not a war game. War happens, but like real life, fighting it is not everyone's job.

V2 will be a different place, and while I don't like that this is the kind of strategy necessary, I'm afraid it will have to be.

My best,