The Burden of Integration

Day 174, 18:34 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per



An interesting dynamic has appeared most recently. In Norway and in Sweden the occupied nations have started to complain about the chaffing of their new homelands. Amazingly the Danes and the Russians have been accused of not integrating well enough. As though the burden of integration is solely to rest on the conquered, and not on the conquerers.

It is a bizarre sense of entitlement, that the Swede and the Norseman seem to have. They seem to believe we should be grateful. It's the damnedest thing, they actually can't comprehend why we would prefer to live in our own countries instead of theirs. And then they say that it's simply us complaining too much, and that we should just accept our situations as permanent.

Now it's only natural that they want us to be convinced that our situations are permanent. If we believe they are permanent then we certainly wouldn't rebel, would we? So naturally the Swede and the Norwegian need to maintain the myth that all occupations are final, that there will never be a chance to rebel, ever.

Of course that's just denying the reality of the Fight For Freedom module that will be released later this month. Now there are two aspects to this discussion. One is, "if" we will use this module. I personally hope we don't have to. For even if we fail we can ruin the economy of Sweden once again. Which is awesome for us either way. It seems that very shortly this will be a possibility either way. The other question is when will we use it? Certainly I don't need to dignify that questionwith a response.

My personal hope is to find a method of liberation that circumvents the wanton destruction of the Swedish economy they worked so hard to build. Personally I don't care if we burn it to the ground and piss on the ashes, but the Swedes do. Which is probably why this issue has come to be so urgent as of late.

What We Lost
Let's look at the Denmark we lost. It was easy in Denmark to become politically active and important. This was an exciting time. We were creating a nation and things were going well. Any active user was welcome. Anyone who worked hard could enter the congress from any party they chose. The only requirement was that you were committed to your cause.

Economically the country had taken a turn upwards. We had quintupled the minimum wage under my reign, from 0.50 DKK to over 2.50 DKK. Quite a feat for a small and developing country. Companies had appeared in all sectors of Danish society. If you wished to start a company it was simply a matter of finding the right investors. The Danish government set fair currency exchanges on the market and the rampant exploitation of the currency exchange had ended.

Socially the country had grown significantly. When I joined we were a country of 68 people. 68! At our high point before the invasion we clocked in at 168. These WERE exciting times.

And most importantly, we had one of the most entertaining media sections a country could have. Perhaps second only to Pakistan. There was the voice of the government, Den Danske Kultur by Eddike. There was Skinke's fantastic articles. Political opposition from all sides, notably by A. Holst (who thanks to the Swedes, is now one of my most reliable allies), Scherf, Holsby. Rune K. Johannsen was writing awesome articles defining Danish religion. And of course my own articles. Everyone who wished to take a gander had a chance at making use of these articles. Because they lasted for days on the media section!

This was a society that was being built from the bottom up. Movers and shakers had come to make things happen!

The Nothingness that was Gained
And then the Swede wonders why we lament these losses? What have we gained. We are the quietest voice in the country now. Our party, which is the sum of all Danes in Sweden, ranks only as the 8th largest party. Just barely ahead of the worthless Marxist party.

Economically we are worthless. Swedes offer new player cutthroat rates. It's been 25 days and only some of our companies have finally managed to turn a profit. I personally have experienced Swedish players not wishing to work for me, simply because of who I am. (I do however thank those who could get past such childish notions, you're at tribute to your nation.) Swedish taxes, bureaucracy etc. is slowly trying to drown all that was Danish. Thankfully Sweden starts and fights wars all the time, so should an economic crisis be imminent we can always be sure some Swede out there needs a ridiculous amount of gifts, food, moving tickets, weapons and houses.

And with the media? This is a country that has rampant spammers. One day it's the best of Youtube. The next day it's Sealflex and Ronark. Then there are the stupid business announcements saying their products are for sale. As if people couldn't go on the market themselves and see that. In between there are a few good articles out there. But they get bogged down in less than 6 hours and can never be found again.

Not to mention the fact that the invasion took all our money and health. The Swedish government refused to acknowledge this fact until a full 12 days after the war was finished. Thankfully some money was able to be distributed via certain charitable Swedish persons.

And the liberators' promises? We would have freedom, Q3 hospitals, more money! So far all of that has been lies.

We have lost everything, and the Swede thinks it's up to us to integrate? What should we do? We are already giving new Swedes at 2-3 times the wages you offer them. Some of us buy your products. We are completely excluded from your military forums because we are Danish. We have NO political representation whatsoever. Most Danes live food to mouth here in Sweden, back in Denmark it was possible to save up.

The most virulent Swedes are hellbent on robbing us of mayoral positions. Entitlement, so to speak. That bizarre sense of entitlement. Or torture. It has been made clear 1000s of times that Swedes want to annoy us and me. How many times do we get snide comments? How many times do I? Swedes come to the party-forums on simply to troll. and then they act like this is excusable. As if this makes sense and is acceptable?

Hear our Plea
I propose the two following things.
1. That when Swedes say integration, they mean complete assimilation.

2. That the burden of integration is up to the individual Swede. You want us to integrate, then prove that you can make Sweden better than Denmark for us. Otherwise it's blatantly obvious why we would want our own country. The facts are laid down on the table. Naked for all to see. Who is willing to look?

Any Swede who hears what I have said, understands, agrees and wishes to help. We ask nothing more. We know there are kind Swedish souls out there who understand our plight. We know that not everyone is a war-mongerer. We know there are those of you who wish to aid Denmark in her cause. And you are all welcome to. Join our party! We need your numbers. More importantly, should we succeed. We'll need you in the future Denmark!

Anyone in the international world who hears our call, I urge you to join our cause. Injustice must come to an end. Only the actions of the one can affect the decisions of the many.

We need the whole world!

Pakis you noble men of Dio. Can Lady Denmark knock on your door?
Italy, you bastion of the Roman Empire. Democracy here is modeled on your history. Will you help us?
Indonesia, you've always been kind on the forums. Where is your kindness for Denmark?
Frenchmen, you bold descendants of the Franks, will you sit idly by?
Spaniards, Do you remember [a url=]General Marcius at Astapa[/a]? Do you understand now?
Englishmen, I hear that the Norman-yoke is a term still used, do not let history repeat itself? Where are you during Denmark's oppression?

Denmark's problem, is the problem of the entire world! Do not turn a blind eye to the lies of the Swedish people. It's your international pressure that is needed. If they don't conform to the rules of human dignity, break off your NEPs, your MPPs. Raise your import taxes if Swedes export to you. Do not accept this indecency! For every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction!

EDIT: Thank God I copied all this before I pressed publish!