The British Informer - Issue #5 - Winner Of £500 and Other Stuff

Day 1,686, 08:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by S34N
Issue #5
Hello all!
The winner of the competition last issue is.......

D I W!

This was the winning answer!
"Firstly i'd spend £80 on this game to get some gold as could really do with it, then would like to see the Olympics while they are in the county so would spend the rest of accommodation in London and tickets to a sport where we are likely to win."

Unfortunately,he was the only person to enter.Hopefully when I host my next competition (I will be doing another one) There will be more of a response.But as promised.I will be sending the £500 nonetheless.

Also,Just a little side note.I am looking for a nice little banner for my articles.If someone could make me one.I would be happy to pay a amount of GBP (£500 - £1000) for one.
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Thank you for reading
Until next time