The British Informer - Issue #3 - My Opinion On Vote Buying

Day 1,684, 22:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by S34N
Issue #3
This issue is about vote buying on erepublik,if you don't know what this is.People are given money to vote on newspaper articles.This is my opinion on it.

Someone voting another newspaper for money

I think vote buying is wrong,I don't do it,and I never will do it.The reasons I think it is wrong is because your not voting it up on its good points.Your doing it for cash.It stops up and coming newspapers from establishing themselves.As much as I think it is wrong however,It will not stop completely.I feel votes should be earned by doing good,informative articles.

Information is your friend!

Also,just a quick note.I've decided I'll probably do 1-2 articles a day.I'm rather happy on how the newspaper has already grown and how it will in the future,were in the top 500.Considering at the start of the day I was at around about 1700.I think that is amazing.
Do you agree with me on vote buying?
Do you have any suggestions for the newspaper?
Then please comment below and tell me.
Remember to Vote and Subscribe!
Until next time