The British Informer - Issue #2 - Our Lovely eUK Community

Day 1,684, 07:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by S34N
Issue #2

Hello my fellow eUK citizens and friends!
Thank you for your support following me posting my previous article.
I was so excited to make a new article.I couldn't wait until tomorrow.So i've decided to do another one today!

So this article is about the kindness and generosity in the eUK community.Ever since I have joined,I have yet to see a nasty person,or a "bad apple" as they say.People are always willing to help newer players.By giving advice and/or supplies.

Some lovely bread for a new player

This article is for all you people who help the newbies of the eUK.Theres so many generous people.I cannot list everyone.But I will mention a few names.

Blue and Evil - Always giving out food for the NHS.

Many members of the ESO Legion.Many of the people who have helped me have been from the ESO Legion.

Kravenn For the new players guide.I didn't use this,But many others have.I may check it out sometime.

As I said before,There are too many to mention.To all you helpers out there.Be Proud,This Article is dedicated to you


Thank You for reading my article.
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Until Next time.